Page 46 of Santa's Secrets

Another nod. “And while I’m sure he’s a lovely guy, he’s also straight as an arrow, happily married, and wouldn’t cheat on Lucy even under threat of torture.” I cupped his chin, forcing him to look me in the eye. “You have no reason to feel jealous. There is only you. There will only everbeyou. Okay?”

It was the closest I’d come to confessing I loved him.

“Okay.” A breath shuddered out of him. “I’m sorry. I just happened to be checking in, and he was there, and—”

“Whoa there. Back up a sec.” I leaned back, my weight on my arms. “You said once how you’d had afeelingsomething had been wrong in my life. Seeing me with my boss having coffee is a helluva lot more concrete than a feeling. Sounds to me as if you saw us. So… how does that work?”

He swallowed. “Imighthave one secret I haven’t shared, but it’s connected with how I do what I do, okay? And Iwillshare it with you, just… not today.”

“Because we’re running out of time?” I surmised.

He nodded, then gestured to the canvas. “And now…Would you like to see how far I’ve got?”

I got it. Change the subject time. “Is it finished?”

“No, it isn’t. We’ll have to carry on next year.”

The ache in my own heart returned. “Then show me.” I sat up. Santa went over to the easel and turned it around. Even at this early stage, I could tell it was going to be awesome. He’d blocked in my body, and had focused his efforts on my face. What struck me was the wistful expression.

I knew exactly what I’d been thinking in that moment. I’d been contemplating another year without seeing him. And ifIwas contemplating it, thenhehad to be to.

Then I realized what was coming. “Are you showing me because it’s time for me to go?”

No. Not yet. A little more time, please.

I had no idea who I was begging, or if indeed there was someone who could hear me.

He cleaned his brush with a rag. “Yes.” He met my gaze. “Is it me, or are these moments we spend together getting shorter?”

“One of Time’s tricks,” I replied.

His face fell. “I only know I hate to take you back.”

“Do I have to go right now?”

He gave me an inquiring glance. “Why? Is there something you’d like to do first?”

I nodded, stroking my cock. “Do we have enough time to make love?”

He walked toward me, then climbed onto the bed. “There is always time for that.”

The bottle of lube appeared from nowhere. Santa lay on his back, his knees drawn up to his chest. I smiled. It was his favorite position, the one where I was able to go deep. I squeezed some lube into my palm and slicked up my dick before swiping my fingers over his pucker.

“It hasn’t been that long since you were inside me.” He held his arms wide.

I crawled between his legs, guiding the head of my cock to his hole. I covered him with my body as I entered him, slow and steady, until his tight channel sheathed my dick and he held me to him, his legs resting on my shoulders.

I loved the way we fit, the way we moved together, the undulations of our bodies, the joy on his face, the glow that crept over his skin.

I loved the times when he rode me, his hips rolling fluidly, his belly taut.

I loved the low cries that tumbled from his lips as he drew closer to his orgasm, the gasps that rebounded around the room when I teased his nipples, knowing it brought him so much pleasure.

Only this time, we knew it couldn’t last long.

I didn’t want it to end.

He shuddered, his body stiffening as he shot over his belly and chest. I was aware of each jolt through him. And when he was done, we kissed as we always did, while I rocked into him, my own climax hurtling through me.