Page 36 of Santa's Secrets

“Can it wait a little longer?” I kissed him, slow as you please. “I want you so much,” I whispered into his ear.

He grasped my hand and drew it down to his crotch. “Not as much as I want you.” Oh dear God, he was sohard. “Can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought about…” He trailed his fingers over my stiffening cock, and his eyes met mine. “About having this inside me.” His voice cracked.

I’d ached to feel that too.

He turned his face toward the ceiling, and laughed.

I arched my eyebrows. “What’s the joke?”

He grinned. “The girls are dying to see you. I can hear them stomping the ground with impatience from here.”

“I love how you call them ‘the girls’.” I leaned in and kissed the tip of his nose. “Time for a sleigh ride.” Then I remembered. “Wait a sec. I need to bring something with me.”

He stilled. “You won’t need… supplies, if that’s what you’re thinking. Not with me.” His eyes twinkled. “Well, apart from lube. I’m notthatmagical.”

I pulled free of his embrace, grabbed my phone from where I’d left it on the table, then scanned the room.

“What are you looking for?”

“My Bluetooth speaker. I want to play some music when we get to your place.” I’d spent a year searching for the seventy songs and remixes I’d stored on my phone. There was more than three hours of listening, and I intended putting every minute of it to good use.

He chuckled. “That, I can manage.” He held out his hand. “Come with me. I’ll have you back here by dawn.”

Words that were both music to my ears—and an ache in my heart.

We walked into his house, he closed the door, and it was as if someone had flicked a switch. I closed the gap between us in a heartbeat, unable to stop touching him, kissing him, his hands on my waist, my ass… I pushed his back to the wall, pinning him there with my body.

“And hello to you too,” he murmured between kisses.

I looked him in the eye, my hand curved around his cheek. “I’ve missed you. I’ve missed your voice, your touch, your laugh… I’d almost forgotten what you sound like.”

He cupped my head and claimed my mouth in a searing kiss that curled my toes. “After I got back here last year from taking you home? I wandered around the place, remembering where you stood.” His eyes sparkled. “I kept that couch in the office, by the way. I’ve sat on it more times than I care to admit to, recalling us there.”

“This yearcrawledby.” Another round of fervent kissing and touching that I didnotwant to end. “Is it possible to cram in a year’s worth of kisses before we eat?”

He chuckled, then buried his face in my neck, his beard softly grazing the skin. “I was hoping for more than kisses.”

His words vibrated through me.

I pulled back to gaze at him. “I remember my promise. Nice and slow, all right?”

“And gentle. Don’t forget gentle.”

I smiled, then leaned in to kiss him on the lips, a lingering kiss that did little to ease the fever in my blood. “We could always skip dinner.” I had never been more conscious of time pressing in on me—time that would take him away from me.

“Yes, we could,” he admitted. “But then we’d deprive ourselves of a new memory. Something to sustain us both until next year.” He cupped my face with both hands. “I know, Anthony. We don’t have long. But I’ll stretch this bubble of time as much as I can, and we’ll make every second count.”

I kissed him. “Why don’t you change into something more… comfortable? Because I’m sure you don’t wear this suit twenty-four-seven.”

He grinned. “I’ll be right back.”

I arched my eyebrows. “You’re not just going to click your fingers?”

Santa laughed. “I have a closet too, you know.” He gave me one last kiss, then left the room.

I was being torn in two, by the anticipation of seeing him again—and losing him after one night together.

“Will I do?”