Page 29 of Santa's Secrets

I looked him in the eye. “If you’re not happy for me to continue, please, say so, and I’ll stop right now.”

He stared at me in silence for a moment, and then undid the gold buckle with trembling fingers.

I took that as consent.

“Let me?” I batted his hands away, slid the metal prong from its hole, and removed the belt. I slowly freed the gold buttons on his jacket, pulling aside the flaps to reveal—

“You don’t wear a shirt under here?”

“Not usually. The jacket is very soft. It feels good against my chest.”

I stroked his torso, and he shivered. “And now I know something no other person in the whole world knows.”

“What’s that?” Another shiver trickled through him.

“Santa has abs.” Not sculpted like the guys in my gym, but there was definition, a smooth rippling of muscles beneath the skin. “I don’t get it. How could anyone describe you as fat?”

“I don’t know, but I can tell you, the first time I read that?” His eyes twinkled. “One of my rooms suddenly became a home gym.”

“And now I know why you didn’t change out of the suit for dinner.”

He blinked. “You think I had an ulterior motive?”

I nodded. “You kept it on, just so I could take it off.” Then I gave him another backward shove.

“If you keep doing that, I’m going to fall,” he protested.

“That’s kinda the idea,” I said, smiling. “Just make sure you fall onto the couch.”


Down he went, the leather creaking as he sank into the thick cushion. I joined him, encouraging him to lean back as I stroked his bare chest. His breath caught. I slipped one arm around his shoulders, one hand to his neck, and kissed his cheek, moving forward until our lips met. His eyes closed and I kissed him again, tugging carefully on his lower lip with my teeth, exploring his mouth with my tongue.

His moan was delicious. That first tentative touch of his hand on my knee sent my heart soaring, pounding… I took it and guided it to my crotch, and his breathing quickened. I pressed it to my burgeoning erection, molding it around the thickening bulge.

His gaze locked onto mine. “Oh.”

“And that’s all for you,” I whispered. “That’sbecauseof you.”

Santa bit his lip. “Your obvious desire for me is a wonderful gift, but so are your words.” He sucked on my lip, more moans spilling from him. When he pulled back, I gazed into his eyes, caressing his neck.

His look of wonder threatened to unravel me.

He let out a heartfelt sigh. “Oh my. The way you look at me…”

“How do I look?”

“As if… I’m everything you ever wanted.”

I smiled. “That’s because you are.” I kissed his neck, the skin warm, that same spicy scent filling my nostrils. His hand was still on my crotch, so I figured turnaround was fair play. I cupped his dick, and a shiver rippled through him. Beneath my fingers, something stirred.

Something sizable.

I couldn’t resist. “Wow. I think there’s one more package to deliver this Christmas Eve.”

He groaned. “Please, no Santa puns.”

I pulled him to me, our arms entwined as we kissed, only now the kisses deepened, each one blurring into the next, until both of us moaned into them. He stroked my dick and I ran my hands over his chest, teasing his nipples, eliciting more shudders and sighs. My fingers strayed once more to his crotch, where his cock pushed against the black pants.