Page 65 of Santa's Secrets

He coughed. “Anthony James Gordon, will you do me the honor of being my husband? Will you share my life…” His eyes sparkled. “For however long that may be?”

Joy bubbled up once more, and this time I couldn’t contain it. I laughed. “Of course I will. Now get up here and kiss me.”

He surged to his feet and a moment later we were in each other’s arms, kissing and crying. Ben cried too, wiping his eyes with his tee. When we stopped, Ben placed his hands on our shoulders.

“Let’s do this.”

We stood before him, holding hands as Ben asked us to put our commitment to one another into words. It took me a minute or two to frame my thoughts, but at last I faced Nicholas, my heart so full I felt sure it would burst.

“Thank you for coming into my life and giving me something to believe in. I keep every moment we’ve ever shared in my heart, and there’s room for many, many more. I promise to support you, to help you where I can, and to be your rock. Because my love for you will never waver.” I swallowed. “For as long as I live.”

Nicholas squeezed my hands, tears sparkling on his lashes.

“Thank you for loving me. I’d accepted my solitude, and then you walked into that living room, and into my life. I had no idea you’d grow into the man I would fall in love with, but I believe someone brought you into my life for that purpose.” His deep brown eyes focused on mine. “I love you with all my heart, and I will continue to love you until the stars turn cold.” He eased the ring onto my finger, then kissed it.

“It is my honor—and my joy—to pronounce you husband and husband.” Ben chuckled. “Anotherwedding no one will ever know about.”

Nicholas kissed me on the lips, a lingering embrace that left me warm and happy. “I love you,” he whispered.

“And I love you too.”

Ben wiped his eyes. “I wish Mom and Dad could’ve been here to see this.”

My throat tightened. I wished that too.

Nicholas reached under his cloak and withdrew a large envelope. “We don’t have much time.” He glanced at me. “We only have until dawn back in New Hope, then we have to go.”

I gaped. “I’m movingtonight?”

He nodded. “Tonight is all we get. And there’s a loose end to tie up first.” He handed me the envelope, and I peered inside.

I frowned. “But… these are the deeds to my house. Why do you have them?”

“Take a closer look.”

I did as he instructed. Oh.Oh. “Ah. I understand.”

Nicholas smiled. “I always said you were a smart man.”

I held the envelope out to Ben. “This is for you.”


“Open it.”

“But I know what’s in here. I just don’t see why—”

“Ben, please, do as I ask?”

He pulled the deeds from the envelope and stared at them, frowning. “But… my name is on them.”

I nodded. “I won’t have any use for a house, not after tonight. So it’s yours, to do with as you see fit. You can rent it out, sell it—or keep it. One day you’re gonna retire, and it’s a beautiful place to live.” I smiled. “Merry Christmas.”

Ben seized me in a hug. “Thank you.”

“And now we really must go.” Nicholas hugged him. “Merry Christmas, brother-in-law.”

Ben’s eyes widened. “Oh my God. I’m related to Santa Claus.”