Page 45 of Santa's Secrets

It took me five minutes to stop laughing.

We settled into the activity, and astonishingly enough, I did forget about the naked part. We chatted as he sketched and painted, and I have to say I have never been so relaxed in the presence of another person. Stripping away our clothes had also stripped away the cares of our lives. It was as if we’d known each other forever, when what we’d shared amounted to a little over five weeks.

But we’ve poured so much of ourselves into each reunion. No wonder it feels like years.

And yet all the while, I was conscious of time ticking away in my own realm. I knew there would come a point when I would have to go.

I didn’t want to leave, but I couldn’t think like that. I couldn’t let my awareness of my own fragile human existence intrude into this realm, spoiling my time with him.

I was fifty years old, for God’s sake. Who knew how manymoreencounters would be granted to us?

I gazed at him, at the face I’d grown so fond of—the face of the man I loved.

“Can I ask you something?”

He paused, mid-stroke. “You can ask me anything.”

“I know you said you’ve always looked like this, that you were created at this age. But that must have been a long, long time ago. Do you feel…” I didn’t know how to finish my sentence.

He put his paintbrush down. “You’re asking me if I feel ancient?” I nodded. He stepped away from the easel and sat on the bed. “Yes, I’ve always looked like this, but I don’t feel old. Bringing joy to so many…” His face lit up. “It’s a blast of energy. It makes me feel alive. But… I can’t help but see men who resemble me. They seem afflicted by aches and pains… but I don’t.” He placed his hand over his heart. “The only ache I feel is in here. And that ache eases with every second I spend with you.”

The sincerity in his voice was unmistakable.

I struggled to find words that would encapsulate my emotions. “That is possibly the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.” All the sweeter because I knew it echoed what I felt.

He smiled. “I have no secrets from you either. I see little benefit in hiding how I feel.” He paused. “And speaking of feelings…” He got up from the bed and walked around the easel, his body hidden by the canvas. “He seemed like a nice guy.”

I frowned. “Who did?” I had whiplash from the change of subject.

“That man you were talking to in the coffee shop. Must have been… oh, I don’t know… about three months ago?”

I searched through my memories.Coffee shop?Then I remembered. “Wait a minute. Tall guy, fluffy gray beard, leather patches on the elbows of his jacket?”

“Yes, that was him. He seemed very interested in you.”

I tried not to laugh. “Oh, he is. He always asks after me. In fact, he’ll do anything to make me happy.”

“I see.”

I couldn’t tease him a second longer. “Come out from behind there, please. We need to clear something up.” When he didn’t move, I sighed. “I know you’re not painting me right now.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because I’m not posing. Now come here. Please.”

He emerged from behind the canvas, walking slowly toward me. I patted the bed beside me, and he sat. I put my arm around him.

“What did I say to you, two Christmas Eves ago? And don’t tell me you don’t remember, because we both know that’s a lie.”

“Was it the bit about… there only being one man for you?”

I nodded. “And whoisthat man?”

He sighed. “Me.”

“You. I also said I wouldn’t be doing whatwe’dbeen doing with anyone else. Well, that counts double for Rex—my boss.” I watched as the information sank in.

“The guy with the leather patches… he’s your boss?”