Page 43 of Santa's Secrets

He’d captured the views surrounding his house perfectly. There were stunning landscapes showing the mountains capped with snow, the rolling green hills, the turquoise ocean…

“How much of this landscape have you explored?” I asked.

“Not as much as I’d like.”

“Why not?”

He sighed. “It’s hard to explain, but… When I’m out there, walking through the mountains, or out on the ocean, it feels… It feels too big for just me.”

“And what if we explored it together?”

His breathing caught. “I would love that.”

“Then we will.”

He fell silent for a moment, then cleared his throat. “Actually… There was something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”

When he clammed up again, I glanced at him. “Well? Ask me anything. I have no secrets from you.”

Except that wasn’t true, was it? I had a huge secret, one I never intended to reveal.

“Remember last year? We were discussing my painting, and you asked…”

Oh.NowI remembered. “I asked if you’d consider painting me.”

“It’s just that… I’ve never had someone here to sit for me.” He bit back a smile. “Well, I’ve never had someone here, apart from you.”

I cocked my head. “Are you sure about this? I mean, I don’t know how fast a painter you are, but even if you work like the wind, I don’t think you’d finish it before….”

Before I need to leave.

His face lit up. “Yes, I’m sure. Please, say you will.” He peered at me. “Unless you think it would be a waste of our time, you sitting still while I capture you on canvas?”

I grinned. “If you don’t, we’ll end up in bed for the rest of the night. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But as we’ve already caught up a little…” I moved closer, until our bodies were almost touching. “Besides, you were right. We need to make new memories.” I kissed him, then stepped back. “So… how do you want me?”

His lips twitched. “Do I have to answer that?”

Then the light dawned. “Oh. I see. It’s going to be a nude, is it?”

“Would you mind? I’ve never done one before, and I’ll be the only one who will ever see it.”

Of course I didn’t mind. “No, that’ll be okay, but I do have a condition.”

He stilled. “Oh?”

“IfI’mgoing to be nude, then so are you.” I grinned.

He arched his eyebrows. “You want me to paint you, withbothof us naked?”

I nodded.

He shrugged. “Well, that’ll be a new experience.”

“Think of it more as an opportunity to find unusual places to put your paintbrush,” I teased. I was thinking more along the lines of what we could do when he took a break. My dick stiffened at the thought.

Well, there had to besomebenefits, right?

His eyes twinkled. “In that case, I have a condition of my own.”