Page 16 of Santa's Secrets

I had to be. This man couldn’t change—could he?

All the same…

I set my glass down. “How long have we been friends? More than twenty years, right? Okay, so that equates to what, three weeks of Christmas Eves when you add them all up. It’s still long enough that I know when you’re lying to me.” I locked gazes with him. “And youarelying to me.”

God, he could have been a statue.

Finally, he spoke. “I love my job.”

“Glad to hear it. Because if you didn’t after all this time, that would really suck.”

“But there’s one thing about my life I wish I could change.”

“And that is?”

He gestured to the living room. “This. Talking. Having a glass of whiskey. And not telling you so much. I wish I could share more.” He sprang to his feet, more nimbly than I’d expected. “Maybe I can, though. Come with me.”

I blinked. “Are we going somewhere? I’m hardly dressed for… well, anywhere.” There was nothing beneath my robe, for one thing. I’d given up on pajamas years ago.

Then Santa clicked his fingers, and we were standing in the snow, next to—

“Oh my God.” The sleigh was gleaming red, with a padded seat that looked supremely comfortable. I followed the black leather reins that looped over the front to…

Eight reindeer. Eight freakingreindeer. Their dark antlers were stark against the white landscape around them. Their coats were a mix of dark brown and white, not glossy, but coarse. Eight heads turned in my direction, eight pairs of liquid brown eyes met mine.

I was being studied.

“You knew how I get around, right?” Santa’s voice was laced with amusement.

“Sure, but actuallyseeingit? I mean, them?” I raised my hand. “Hey, ladies. Looking good there.”

The lead reindeer bobbed her head, and the sound that came from her?

I swear, she waslaughingat me.

“Get in.”

It took a second or two for his words to sink in. “Excuse me?”

Santa pointed to the seat. “I said, get in. If you get cold, hold onto me. I’ve got enough heat for both of us.”

Then it hit me.

I was being invited to take a ride in Santa’s sleigh.

Twenty-three years fell away, and I felt as excited as the twelve-year-old boy who’d walked into his living room to see something that changed his life.

“Hell yeah.”

He climbed in, and I followed. I shivered, and he frowned. “You’re cold. I should have let you get dressed.”

“Of course I’m cold. I’m naked under here.” There was little risk of any part of my lower anatomy putting in an appearance. I was more concerned it would shrivel to the size of a walnut.

Santa’s cheeks pinked.

“But you did say you have heat enough for two,” I reminded him.

He put his arm around me. “We won’t go far, just a short trip this time.”