Page 35 of Hate Games

“With due respect, Mr. Rothwell. Ryder is a brilliant artist…”

“He’s a Rothwell girl.” He scoffs, and I place a hand on Ryder’s trying to calm the storm I know is brewing.

Ryder stands and he’s across the table in seconds, grabbing his father by the collar. “Do not speak to her like that!” He growls.

Coben stands sending his chair flying.

“Stop it!” Ruth yells.

“Let’s go, Ryder!” I shout, standing. His breathing is ragged as he faces off his father, but my words get through to him.

“Thank you for lunch, Ruth,” I say, offering her a small smile.

“This isn’t over,” his father threatens, and I have to dig my nails into Ryder’s arm to keep him moving us toward the front door. That was fucking crazy.

When we’re in the car, Ryder slams the steering wheel. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

“Ryder, it’s okay.”

“No! It isn’t. I should never have brought you here.” He’s visibly shaking with rage.

I turn toward him. “This isn’t on you. Hey…” I tilt his face toward me. A darkness swirls in his eyes. “I love you. Can we just go?”

Ryder takes a deep breath and starts the car. It’s only then I release the one I hadn’t even realized I was holding.

* * *

“Why didn’t you tell me you know the Rothwell’s?”

My aunt is grading papers at the dining room table when I enter. Marcy’s car wasn’t out front, and I assume she is with Dylan. Ryder wanted to be alone, and despite my protests, I eventually gave in knowing that he needed to clear his head.

“Mr. Rothwell is indirectly my boss, sweetheart,” she chuckles lightly but I can tell she’s deflecting.

“I mean outside of work, City. They knew about my parents; you don’t just tell yourindirectboss stuff like that.”

She sighs heavily then meets my gaze. “We’ve crossed paths, yes, it’s a small town despite its size. He and his wife and I have history. Nothing that I want to revisit.”


“It doesn’t have to do with why he gave you that scholarship. Did he say something about that?”

My eyes widen and the unsettling feeling in my belly suddenly makes sense. “What?Coben Rothwell ismy sponsor?”

“I thought that is what you’re talking about. That Coben offered you the internship.”

My knees feel like they’re turning to jelly, so I take a seat. “No, City. That isn’t it at all. How can you not tell me? I’m dating Ryder…”

“Honey, that has nothing to do with this.”

“Of course, it does!” It is the first time I’d raised my voice with my aunt. Her betrayal cuts so fucking deep, it feels like the room is spinning. “I can’t work with that man, City!”

“What happened?”

I shake my head. “He said some really awful things today. Blamed me for Ryder not wanting to follow in his footsteps. It was just awful.” Tears sting my eyes.

Felicity sits beside me and puts her hand around my shoulder. “I’m sorry, Ash. But…”

“I don’t have a choice.” I finish her sentence. “Ryder won’t like this…”