I turn to look at her. I have to see what face, what body the enchantress’s voice belongs to. Thoughts I may have had about ignoring her are deleted from my mind. She’s fucking gorgeous. The most beautiful legs, luxurious dark hair, and the saddest eyes I’ve ever seen. Her hazel eyes want to be happy, but her body is tired. The soul behind her skin is aching. I go from not giving a fuck about her plight to feeling an intense ache to touch her. I haven’t had a woman in years. I told myself that after my wife, that was a gamble I’d rather not make again. Women throw their pussies at me all the time, but I have no interest in some random fuck.

Now I wonder what the hell long-legged Lucy wants. I can’t breathe for a second when she steps closer to me, and then I catch the scent of her like winter and cherries. Fuck, I want to taste her.

“My brother owes your casino a lot of money. I’m offering you me in exchange for you erasing his debts. One night, and you cross out everything he owes, and I’ll be keeping him from coming back.” Her voice—she’s trying so hard to be strong. But there’s a pain that brings a waver. She’s not asking for enough, and she’s afraid I’ll say no.

But this woman is offering me the very thing I have to have from her the instant I laid eyes on her. Lucy doesn’t have to know that she turned my normally rational thoughts to cinders, and all I want is to fuck her. I mean, after all, she came here to offer me the one thing she thinks I care about more than anything. She’s telling me what matters to her more than anything.

Of course I’m going to give it to her. She doesn’t have to know what an easy mark I was though … I want to play with her. Knowing I’m going to help her, I want to see her struggle just a little bit more. It’ll make it taste even sweeter when I erase everything that troubles her.

“What makes you think I’ll just want to fuck you? I can fuck any woman I want, and I want my money.” I don’t know who her brother is, but if he owes me enough that Lucy is offering me her pussy, I doubt it’s a small amount.

“I’m a virgin,” Lucy says with passion in her voice. Clearly a cover for the insecurity she faces at being a virgin — and because of that, I know she isn’t lying. That and the fear coming off her in waves. Fear that she’s going to get turned down for what I know has to be her last resort offer.

She’s wearing what she probably thinks is the outfit to catch the kind of man whore she thinks I am. But there’s far too much class in her simple outfit to just be slutty. A pencil skirt that hugs her so tightly it makes me want to tear it off. But if she’s going for slut, it should be so much shorter. I find it delicious that she doesn’t know any better. Same with that little peek of flesh at the top of her silky blouse. This is how an attractive woman dresses, but the kind of trashy outfit you wear to get a man to forgive a huge debt is supposed to be much more sinful. It sells me even further on her purity. Either she’s the world’s best actress, or she’s desperate and unsure of what to do. My money’s on what I read, because I haven’t read someone wrong since the last woman I cared about.

So Lucy put on this outfit and drug herself to me, to beg. She’s trying to get my interest, and she’s managed to succeed because if I don’t get Lucy out of those clothes and into my bed, I’m going to fucking lose my mind.

I take a deep breath and feign consideration, lifting my glass to my mouth and drinking down the rum. It should burn going down. It’s one of many I’ve had tonight. But maybe it can be my last when I close this deal. I can’t come off like the eager hound I am right now. I’ll maintain my own affected smoothness and accept this deal without letting her know just how much I’m on her hook already.

Fuck, what in the hell did I do to deserve such a goddamn angel on long porcelain legs?

Of course. Her brother. He clearly has a problem. So it’s Lucy’s pain for her brother that ‘earned’ me her offer.

I make plenty of money on pain. It’s the driver, the currency, and the blood in the veins of my empire.

Lucy steps closer and I see the tops of her thigh-high stockings peeking from under her skirt. It’s a tight pencil skirt—sexy as hell on her and the thigh highs are a very nice choice, but it already shows she has far more taste than any of the countless women who throw themselves at me all the time.