Antonio dutifully responds and I hang up.

I turn to Lucy. “Go up to my penthouse,” I say. I let my eyes veer toward my drink. “I’ll make sure everything is sorted out and I’m going to be up in a couple of hours. Make yourself comfortable.” She starts to walk away and I walk toward her, deleting all the space between us a little too fast. I have to get away from my drink, and I have to tell her these words now, even if its a goddamned lie. “It’s going to be okay,” I say. I want to reach out and touch her face again. Fuck it. I can’t resist. I do. I see that she’s gritting her teeth. Lucy doesn’t recoil, but she’s only letting me touch her because she has no other choice. Even if she might enjoy the touch, she doesn’t want to. A decent man would leave her alone and help her out of the goodness of his heart. But I’m all out of goodness, and I have plenty of money. That’s why I have so much more money than most everyone else. I don’t do what a good man does; I do what a wealthy and powerful man does.

Lucy’s strength only makes me respect her moxie more. Lucy is tough as nails, and she has more willpower than I’m betting myself and her brother have combined.

It’s really a damn shame I’m even in her life.

But that’s about as sorry as I’m going to feel for myself now because tonight, I’m sinking my cock in her and watching her come undone around me. How fucking much my life has changed in this one minute, no one knows. People still assume, not just Lucy, that all I do is fuck around. It doesn’t matter to them that I’m married. I rarely see my wife and no one—much less her—has any expectations for me.

There’s no way that Lucy knows I’m married. I realize this now. She’s a sweet girl, willing to do something that’s pretty fucking crazy, but I know she’s going to be pissed if she finds out. I say if, but shit that people aren’t supposed to know has a point of biting someone in the ass. Because I’ve got to get in front of that, I resolve that I’ll tell her that I’m married. But not tonight. There’s enough for her to take in and take on that she doesn’t need one more crazy thing to deal with. I’ll deal with that later. Is that a mistake? Sure, probably, but I don’t ask permission; I don’t apologize. I forge ahead no matter what happens. Lucy is mine. Keeping her happy isn’t exactly sunshine and roses. I’ll take care of her brother, and everything else is going to have to fall into place, no matter how messy that might be.

“I’ll be upstairs in a few. I’ll make sure Tommy is taken care of,” I say again, letting her know that she can go ahead and go to the penthouse now. That would’ve been clear before, but I couldn’t keep my hands off of her.



The truth is, I’m not taking care of much. Tommy will be taken care of, but I’m a billionaire casino magnate and I don’t need to worry about taking care of my own shit most of the time. I’ll deal with a few things, mostly coordinating things, and then I’m going to watch Lucy on my cameras once the key code activates them. I want to stalk her every move. Partly because watching her when she thinks she is alone turns me on, and part of me has to watch because I have to know the truth. People reveal the truth when you’re watching and they think they are alone.

I’m a paranoid man. After what happened with my wife, well, that’s wise.

But I’ll be sure to vet Lucy. I agreed to this out-of-the-blue agreement, and I’m letting her go up to my penthouse. I’d be an even bigger fool than I already fucking am if I took all this shit sight unseen. If she has any ulterior motives, then I’m sure to glimpse them before I head upstairs.

Antonio shows up in a few moments. He looks at my glass, and then looks away so quickly that he probably thinks I didn’t notice. I doubt he would dare if he fucking knew I could see him.

I’m not one for needlessly terminating my employees, but it has happened. More than once. When I terminate an employee, it’s no light-handed issue. I take away everything they value, in front of them, and then theirs is the last life I take.

Now, is that a little irrational? Perhaps. But for me, it’s a matter of respect. Still, my senses are now over-activated in my need to see every little detail about Lucy. I’ll relax, for now. I’m not exactly a powerful man if I have to swing my dick constantly for everyone else to see, anyhow. Antonio is a good employee.