I could beg with words, but I don’t even bother trying to summon them. I don’t want to. I want to see what Gian wants to do with my body, and what he wants my body to do.

Gian is trying to kill me with his cock. There’s no other explanation. He knows how much I enjoy being on the precipice of an orgasm and he’s going to torment me as much as possible. I can’t complain. Well, I can and have, but I delight in the erotic torture. The sensual way that Gian can keep me so much on the edge of every pleasure and then draw me back… an ever-receding wave and tide coming back in makes my thoughts blur into nothing. I’ve never felt so free as I do when Gian fucks me.

Some people meditate. I find that boring and time wasted. I’m always going to start thinking about my grocery list, or what my next day at work is going to be like.

Some people turn to vices like drugs or alcohol. I’ve seen those tear my brother, Tommy, apart.

Me? I let myself get fucked by the wealthy casino owner that could’ve chopped off some of my brother’s body parts to get him to pay up his gambling debts. I let him because I want him. It all started as some deal, but it’s turned into something I don’t even begin to try to understand. Whatever it is that we have, I just know that it’s something precious. Something I want to hold onto.

It’s more than the sex. Incredible as the sex is. Never before in my life did I place a high priority on sex. Doubtlessly, now, I’m placing a priority on it now. But there’s something about Gian that’s so much more than about his cock or what he can do to me with it. I’m aching for him all the time, but it’s more than sex. Gian makes me feel safe. I feel cared for. I know that he cares about what makes me happy, what I need.

The fact that he also seems to crave fucking me as much as I craved being fucked by him? That’s just major bonus points.

My whole life I figured I never needed sex, and I had no desire to go after it. No man interested me.

Now, no other man ever will. Giancarlo Sandoval fucks like a demon, but I see heaven when he’s inside me. Nothing could ever be so utterly sensual as how well Gian fucks me. He knows my body far better than I could ever know my own. I know I must sound like a foolish girl, but that’s just the truth. When he touches me, he creates feelings in me that I didn’t know I could have.

Right now, my eyes are rolling back in their orbits and I’m hardly able to hang on to any thought in my head. I live a pampered life now, but despite dancing for the eyes of many, or having my hair and nails done, or my body massaged like I’m some wealthy woman, nothing makes me feel like more of a queen than when Gian worships my body, keeps me on the edge of an orgasm, and then finally lets me cum. Pulls me all the way to the edge and then has me come undone for him. From his touch. The idea of orgasming for him is so erotic I might unload this pressure now just thinking about it. But that’s not what I want. I don’t want to cum until Gian says I can cum. It’s strange, because taking orders from a man is so not my thing at all. In fact, I won’t do it unless I absolutely have to. But I just love when Gian controls when I cum, determines how and when I cum. It’s hotter than anything I can imagine, and it shocked me as much as it did him, I think, when we fucked the first time and I wanted him to keep up his erotic torture forever. I feel safe in the space between the most intense pleasure continuing and that pleasure peaking to the utmost heights it can; I feel safe when Gian is in control of my body. I knew from the instant Gian kissed me that he knew my body and what my body likes better than me. His control of my orgasms is the purest expression of that.

Gian presses the hard wall of his chest to the soft pillow of my breasts. The feeling of him against me sets off fireworks under my skin. I feel us both slicked with sweat now from the intensity and exertion. But I don’t fire off until he’s ready. Still, I’m trembling around him. My legs are spread wide on the bed and if I had strength enough I would lock them together behind Gian’s back. But I’m using every ounce of my energy to hold my orgasm at bay until Gian sets me free.