I walk past Zander and he waits a beat and comes after me. “Luke Gravos. He’s going to be a problem tomorrow, too.”

I turn on my heel and look at Zander. I see the frustration on his face. I don’t blame him. “And how do you know that?”

“Seems before you’d made your decision about Tommy, well, he’d made one too. So he’s going to be more interested than you’d like. I’m on it,” Zander says, straightening his jacket. I get it. He’s gotta tell me, but he doesn’t want to be in the position of delivering shitty news. But he’s gotta let me know.

I nod and start to walk away. I don’t look back to his face when I deliver the next line. “If you’re fucking Tara, that’s your problem. If you wanna go there, that’s your mistake to make. I won’t be chopping your dick off or anything, though.”

I don’t have to look. I knew when I saw that face that he was planning to do something more than just make sure Tara didn’t cause more problems. When he took an interest in her, I could see this shit coming from a mile away. That’s his bed of snakes to lie in, I’ve got shit to do. Luke fucking Gravos better not do a goddamn thing to Tommy or demand way more than he’s worth for any of this. That said if it’s written all over my face that I’m all wrapped up in Tommy’s sister, that’s the kind of shit Gravos would use. Fuck all this shit. She’s up there in tears and I just want to make them go away. If I really cared about her, I’d help her with everything in my reach and I’d ask for nothing in return. I wouldn’t make her give me her virginity, and especially now when I know she’s so fragile.

Except, I’m cinder and ash in my soul. My heart is charred and soaked in the alcohol I drown every day in. I’m not about to do anything out of the kindness of my heart. Really, I’m not so different from Luke Gravos. He’s just trashy no matter how nice his suit is. He’ll be biker trash no matter how many legitimate and illegitimate businesses drown him in cash. I just happen to be able to get my riches in legal ways and I don’t fuck skanks. Not anymore. Not ever again.

But my cock? About to be buried in heaven while I drag dear Lucy right down to hell.

Goodness of my heart. Is that some kind of joke that my brain even considers that? I never do anything without getting something in return. Several somethings. I manipulate and deal my way into everything I want.



I’m at the door and I step in, taking care not to bust in and scare her half to death, but I wouldn’t exactly knock on my own door, would I?

“Mr. Sandoval,” Lucy says, hastily wiping her eyes on the back of her hands and then pulling the sheets up over her body.

“Giancarlo,” I tell her. She doesn’t need to call me Mister. Though it does sound fucking sexy rolling off her cherry lips. But what wouldn’t? “Come over here and let me see that gorgeous body,” I say, licking my lower lip as she steps up.

Her hands are shaky and she wants to cover herself.

I capture her wrists. I’m not going to just take her. I’ll make her want me. It won’t be hard, because she’s afraid about what’s to come, but I also arouse her. I saw that behind the hate in her eyes before, and I can see it in the fear in her eyes now.

“You’re not gonna cover yourself in front of me, ever, Lucy,” I say. That’s just the way it’s going to have to be. I can’t have her hiding herself from me. I have to have her beautiful body open for me. I want her to want it to be open for me.

She shivers when I say her name, so slightly, and then looks down at her own body. “I … I just don’t feel comfortable in this.” I listen to her tentative words. I want her to talk instead of being frozen in fear. It doesn’t matter what she talks about as long as she speaks instead of shivers. Anything is better than seeing her fall apart like she was, crying in my bed earlier.

I suck in a breath. But this is what I chose to talk to her about and I can’t avoid this. I don’t want to. I need to see the fragile parts of her. Lucy doesn’t know that wanting her makes me vulnerable in a way that I never am. “How do you feel?” I know that I should be getting to the part where I fuck her, because I’m going to fuck her. Despite myself, though, I want her to talk. I want to know what she’s thinking. I can’t have her sad like she was earlier. I don’t want to fuck a sad Lucy; I want to bury myself inside a woman who’s beautifully bare before me and knows that she wants me in her body.