"How?" I'm more than willing to listen to any advice here. I'm going insane! Granger and his crew will be finished with the roof of our building in a day or two at the most. Time is running out.
Autumn drums her fingers against the table, her brows furrowed in thought. "Take tonight off work. When he gets here tomorrow, flag him down and tell him you're expecting a phone call, but you need to shower. Ask if he minds grabbing it for you when it rings. Tell him it's a very important call." She waves her hand as if to saybe creative."I'll have Emma call to confirm an appointment at the spa for you and make sure she lets it slip just exactly what kind of appointment it is."
Lola throws her head back and laughs. "Brilliant! Make him think she's getting a wax for a hot date. He'll be chomping at the bit if he's your Tex."
"Maybe," I say doubtfully. "What happens when he calls tomorrow night, and I'm not on said date?"
"You aren't working tomorrow night, either." Autumn brings her coffee mug to her lips and takes a sip before continuing, "Call your boss and tell her you're taking the rest of the week off."
"And if this backfires?" I demand. "If he thinks I'm seeing someone else, he might run the other way."
"Please," Autumn scoffs. "You've told us the things that man says to you. He doesn't play well with others, Arwen. If he thinks you're going out with someone else, he'll step up and put a stop to it."
I eye her doubtfully, knowing full well that her plans don't always work the way she expects. The fact that she has a criminal record is proof of that. She's been arrested twice for protesting. I'm pretty sure she was protesting her own family's company both times.
"Pretend you aren't certain about the date," Lola advises, more reserved than Autumn. "Tell him we set it up for you, but you figure it's time to put yourself out there and find someone, so you're going for it."
"Yes!" Autumn claps her hands.
I consider their insane plan. It could work. From everything I know about Tex or Granger, he's possessive. But he's also the kind of man who asks if I'm okay before ending our calls each night and the type of guy who cautions me to watch out for nails every time I step outside in flip-flops. Autumn's plan will appeal to the former side, with Lola's additions appealing to the latter. If Granger really is Tex, this might actually force him out into the open once and for all.
And if he isn't Tex?a little voice whispers.
Well, I'll just have to cross that hurdle when I get to it.
Please, please don't let me get to it,I pray.
"Let's do it," I say, my decision made.
Chapter Three
I glance up from the bed of my truck to see Arwen standing on the sidewalk, shielding her eyes against the sun. The strap of her sundress slips down her left shoulder, making my fucking mouth water. I want to taste her skin right where the sun hits it.
"Yeah? And what did you bring me?" I ask, my eyes prowling all over her curvy body. God have mercy. She's too pretty for words, smiling at me like she knows a secret I don't.
Her hands slip from behind her back. "This," she says, presenting a cupcake to me.
My stomach growls. Not for the food. For her. I want to lick the frosting off her naked body.
"You're always bringing me food. I figured it was my turn." She steps off the sidewalk, presenting the cupcake to me. The damn thing is bigger than her delicate little hand. "It's strawberry cheesecake flavored."
I wrap my hand around her wrist, holding her steady as I take the cupcake from her. She shivers at my touch, her nipples turning to hard points in her dress.
"What did you do last night, little one?"
A tiny smile curves her plump lips upward, a blush staining her cheeks. "Nothing," she whispers, the pulse in her throat jumping. "Just work."
Did you dream about me after you passed out last night, baby doll?
I peel the wrapper from the cupcake, bringing it to my lips before I can ask that question. Fucking hell. If I don't find a way out of my own misery soon, I'm going to start ripping shit apart. Starting with her fucking roof so I have an excuse to drag this job out for as long as possible.
"What did you do?" she asks.