Page 15 of Come Undone

"When we were replacin' the roof of her building, she went to work as a phone S-E-X operator," I say, spelling it out so the kids don't start asking questions they're far too young to be asking. "I made sure no one called her but me."

She quit the job right after we got together. I didn't ask her to do it, but I think she knew I wouldn't quit calling so long as she was working. I'm a possessive asshole. Sue me. I don't want anyone talking dirty to her, not for any reason. She's mine to take care of, mine to support. She came to work for me instead, running my office when she wasn't in class. We spent more time fucking on my desk than anything. It's exactly how she ended up pregnant with Rue.

"You…" Carter takes a deep breath, glaring at me and then at Arwen, and then at me again. "I knew you defiled my little girl, you B-A-S-T-A-R-D."

"Carter Grayson!" Luna growls at her husband.

"Daddy!" Arwen admonishes.

"It's true," he mutters, unrepentant.

I just shrug, not holding it against him. It is true, not that I'm telling him that. He's an incredible father, and he's wrapped around Arwen's little finger. He gives me shit at every available opportunity, but he welcomed me to the family a long time ago. He might not have chosen me for his little girl, but he wouldn't change anything either. He knows she belongs with me.

Truthfully, I think he appreciates that she picked someone like me and not a fucking pushover. She's insatiably curious and so damn beautiful and sweet. She needs someone like me keeping assholes away from her. I still take that job seriously. No one touches my wife and kids. No one comes close. They're mine to love, mine to protect. They are the best part of my life. I know I'm the best part of theirs too. They complete me.

"What's depiled?" Rue asks.

"It's what happens when two grown-ups love each other very much," Luna says, smiling at Rue.

"Oh," Rue says, and then she giggles. "Then my daddy depiles my mommy lots."

"Jesus Christ," I mutter as Arwen and Luna both devolve in a fit of giggles. Carter glares at me over the top of Rue's head. As if he has any room to talk. I caught him feeling up his wife in the hall not even ten minutes before dinner.

Frankly, I can't fucking wait to be the same way he and Luna are when we're their age. I know I'll still love his daughter the same way then that I do now. It might have taken the threat of losing her to some other motherfucker to get me moving, but I'm a quick study and, I don't make the same mistake twice. She's mine now and she will be until I take my dying breath. And then? Well, I hope phones are still around in whatever life comes next. Because I'll be finding her there too.

I'll always find her. I'll always love her.

If we're put on this earth for a purpose, she's mine.

Epilogue Two



"On your knees," Granger growls. "Ass in the air, cheek against the pillow, little one."

I scramble to obey, biting my lip to keep from sobbing his name. He's been toying with me for hours already, driving me right to the edge of orgasm and then backing off, only to start all over again. My entire body is overly sensitive. My brain is sluggish, and my movements jerky. Even the air against my overheated skin feels like too much.

I need him inside me now.

"Easy, baby doll," he croons, running a hand across my ass when I'm in position.

He steps up behind me, the heat of his body making me sob his name.

"You need to come, don't you?"

"Yes. Please, Granger," I plead, not above begging if that's what it takes. "Please let me come."

"Why should I, little one?" he growls, leaning down to attack the side of my throat with his lips. His hand slips between my legs, his thumb homing in on my clit with startling accuracy as he begins his wicked torment all over again. "You've been teasin' me all fucking week because you knew I couldn't do anything about it. You sent me all those sexy pictures. You touched my pussy on camera and made me watch you do it. You've been torturin' me."

"I'm sorry!" I sob, rocking back against his hand.

"No, you aren't."

He's right. I'm not sorry. I just spent a week in Sacramento for work, and I missed him horribly. I spent the whole time making sure he missed me just as much. I teased him mercilessly every day, knowing he couldn't do anything about it. I wanted to watch him unravel. I wanted to watch him crack. It's been ten years, and this man still drives me wild. But we don't have nearly as much time to play as we did ten years ago. With kids underfoot, finding time can be difficult.

Not today. When he picked me up from the airport, the kids were nowhere to be found. And my man was in beast mode. I've been paying for my teasing since we pulled into the driveway. I never want it to stop. And yet, if he doesn't let me come soon, there might not be enough of me lefttoorgasm when he finally lets me.