Page 5 of Dripping Pearls

"Have we done something to make you uncomfortable, Lola?"

They both look mildly sick at the possibility.

"What? No. Of course not," I hurry to reassure them. "It's nothing like that. I just…think it would be better for everyone if we had our own spaces. That's all."

"What the fuck?" Liam mutters again, scrubbing a hand through his messy hair. He looks at Braxton in complete bewilderment, an accusatory gleam in his eyes. "What did you do? Why is she mad at us?"

"I'm not mad at anyone!" I cry.

Braxton ignores him, watching me as intently as ever. His gaze is a little wild, as if whatever's going on behind those mocha eyes distresses him. "Do you have plans in Tahoe, lamb?" he growls after a moment, an edge to his tone I've never heard before. It's dark and dangerous, instantly heating my system to the nth degree. "Someone you intend to meet up with?"

"What?" I frown up at him, confused by his reaction and my response to it. He seems…angry at the thought. Jealous, almost. He's practically bristling. "No, of course not."

"She better fucking not," Liam mutters under his breath.

I rip my gaze from Braxton's to look at him.

"This is a business trip," he growls, bristling just as bad as Braxton. "We'll need you with us for the duration. You'll be too busy to think about anyone else, Lola. If you have plans, cancel them."

Braxton nods his agreement. "This will be an intense trip. We expect you to be with us twenty-four seven. We can't wait for the ferry to get you across the lake to the vineyard every day. We need you with us. Cancel your plans. Now."

Jeez. They're grumpy today.

"I don't have plans!" I cry, throwing my hands up. "I thought maybe the two of you might want space in case you…met someone or something, okay?" I rub my temples, not sure how this went from me suggesting getting my own room for the week to them growling at me about my job responsibilities and plans I don't even have. "Good grief, if you two are always this grumpy before a trip, no wonder no one else wants to go."

"We didn't ask anyone else to go."

I drop my hands to gape at Braxton, not sure if he's serious or not. And then I almost laugh out loud. Of course he's serious. He's always serious. I shake my head and resume rubbing my temples. I genuinely hate when it storms. The back of my neck is tightening up from anxiety and stress, and my head is pounding.

"You made her head hurt," Liam growls at Braxton.

"I believe we did that." Braxton sighs, looking contrite. "I'm sorry, lamb. We're assholes."

I frown at both of them. "I know I only got this internship as a favor to Arwen, but I take it seriously. I wouldn't agree to go on this trip to help you and treat it like a vacation."

"We know, sweet girl," Liam says, smiling at me. My stomach flutters. He doesn't smile nearly enough these days. He's too busy scowling at me and snapping at everyone who steps off the elevators, but he should really do it more often. He's so freaking sexy. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to this place."

"There are no women," Braxton says suddenly.

Liam and I both look at him.

"There are no women," he says again, holding my gaze. "I don't fuck around, and neither does Liam. We never have. You'll be the only woman, Lola. There won't be any others. You don't have to worry about that."

The way he says it makes it sound like he means more than just while we're sharing a cabin in Tahoe. He makes it sound like a pledge, one he fully intends for them to keep far beyond the up-and-coming vineyard we're helping launch to the world.

"I…" I trail off with a nod, unsure how to respond. Too afraid I'm hearing what I want to hear and seeing what I want to see. I want the two of them so freaking much that I overanalyze every word and read between every line. I want him to mean more, so I hear more.

It's making me crazy.They'remaking me crazy. And yet I don't want them to stop.

"I still think I should stay in my own cabin," I mutter.

"Absolutely not," Braxton growls.

"Fuck no," Liam growls at the same time.

"You're staying with us." Braxton gives me a look that says the conversation is over. The cool authority stamped across his face makes my stomach clench. Arwen may think Liam is bossy, but he has nothing on Braxton. I think this man was born barking orders and expecting to be obeyed. No one tells him no. They wouldn't dare. Even Liam listens to him, and Liam never listens to anyone.

"Fine." I shake my head, not sure why they're so adamant about this. It's not like I'm going to get into trouble on a vineyard. It's going to be a long week. I dig my fingers into my temples, trying to rub away the ache.