Page 11 of Dripping Pearls

Braxton growls, releasing my chin. My eyes flutter open in time to see his hand delve into Liam's hair. He cranes his head back until those blue eyes meet his. "I said enough," he growls at Liam. "She's cold and wet. You can have more once we get her inside and get her warmed up."

Liam's eyes narrow on Braxton, darkening. For just a moment, I worry that they're going to fight. And then Liam makes a sound in the back of his throat, desire flaring bright as the sun in those blue eyes. Something deep passes between him and Braxton, another silent admission of what's really happening between the three of us, I think.

Liam likes being told what to do. He likes Braxton taking control of the two of us, almost as much as Braxton likes it, I think. These two men are powerful beyond measure, both giants in their own right. But the push and pull between them turns them on. Neither fights it. Neither denies it. They both welcome it as eagerly as I do. There's something beautiful about watching Liam submit to Braxton as he would to no other.

His hold on me loosens a fraction. His lips brush mine in a gentle pass. "Let's get you inside, baby," he murmurs. "We've got all night to play."

Braxton releases his grip on Liam's hair, touching the back of his hand to the side of his face in a sweet gesture that brings tears to my eyes. These two men are going to wreck me, I know it. I love them so much it's a little terrifying. I want them so much it's a little overwhelming. Knowing they feel the same way—not just about me but about one another—is everything and so much more.

Liam splays his hand across my abdomen, holding me against his body while Braxton unlocks the front door to let us inside. I've done virtual tours of this place more times than I care to admit, but seeing it in person is…wow.

Stepping inside is like stepping out of time into a castle. The wood detailing and vaulted ceilings are gorgeous. A grand staircase leads up to the second floor, the hardwood and ornately carved banister gleaming. It's exactly like the listing. Plush rugs cover the floors, with antique furniture situated on top. Everything is beautiful, steeped in old-world grace that feels far removed from the hustle of the city.

"It's so beautiful," I whisper in awe, staring all around.

"Glad you think so," Braxton murmurs, closing the door. The sounds of the storm immediately fade into the background, muted by the sheer size of this place. "Because it's yours."

"Mine?" I turn to gape up at him.

"Yours," Liam answers for him. "Braxton bought it last week."

I blink wide eyes, shocked silent. Braxton and Liam both come from money. We all do. They've only added to their fortunes since starting their company. But this place…this place is the kind of rich I've only ever read about.

"It's your castle now, sweet girl. And we're your willing servants," Liam growls. "We live and breathe for you. We want you here with us where you belong. Maybe then we'll actually fucking sleep for once."

"You…" I trail off with a shake of my head. The room is spinning. Or maybe the whole world is spinning. "What's happening right now? Did we die in the storm?"

"Hell no," Braxton barks.

"Fuck no," Liam says.

"Are you sure?" I eye them oddly. "Can you pinch me to make sure?"

They both stare at me like I just asked them to murder me and hide my body under the stairs.

"No one is pinching you, Lola," Braxton growls, pulling me up against his chest. "We didn't die in the storm. This isn't a dream either."

"It feels like it," I mutter. "Yesterday, you were avoiding me. Now, you're buying me houses and making out with me and telling me we belong together."

"We do belong together."

"He bought the house a week ago."

I narrow my eyes on Liam.

"Just saying," he mumbles, holding up his hands. He can't quite contain his amused grin though.

"We weren't avoiding you. We were trying to keep from tumbling you to the floor and fucking you raw in the middle of the office," Braxton says, tipping my head back with a hand beneath my chin. "Didn't know how you'd feel about taking on the two of us, lamb."

"It's always been the two of you," I whisper. My tongue darts out to wet my lips. "Even before I met you, it was the two of you."

His gaze drifts across my face, silently seeking out an explanation.

"I, um, I asked Arwen to get me the internship with you two because I had a crush on both of you," I confess on a whisper. "I mean, that's not the only reason. I really wanted to work with you guys too. But I saw you in Forbes five years ago, and ever since then, it's been the two of you. You haunt me."

"That's because you're ours, Lola." Liam plasters himself to my back, lifting my hair away from my neck to kiss my shoulder. "You're part of us."
