Page 53 of Norah


The metal railing is cold in my hand, and I hold it so tightly the rough edges tear into my skin.

Every muscle vibrates with anticipation, tensed and ready to spring into action. My heart launches into a frenzied rhythm as footsteps draw closer, and I have to force my laboring lungs to quiet, to not give away my position.

If I ever needed luck on my side, it’s now. My only actual shot at survival depends on the success of my first attack. But where to strike first? Options flicker through my mind: head, chest, groin. Which gives me the best chance of slowing him down? Given his height, can I reach his head at the right angle? Could I use the metal to impale him? I only have one attempt at this, and choosing wrong will almost certainly result in death.

I smell Simon before I see him; his oily scent mixed with fresh blood hits my nose with a sickening jolt. My already racing heart speeds up so rapidly it feels like it might explode like a supernova inside of my chest.Stay strong. Be brave.

Rather than succumbing to the fear pulsing through me, I will my body into submission.Don’t panic. Be smart.My arm cocks back, every nerve at full attention and ready to snap.

Simon comes around the corner and rushes into the alleyway, looming ahead of me. He’s bloodied, injured, red dripping from several gashes in his arms and chest. One wrist appears to be broken, his hand dangling at an unnatural angle. His nose is bleeding and injured, crooked amidst his harsh features. He’s looking forward, hasn’t spotted me plastered against the wall yet, and I know this is my only chance.Go now. Do it. GO.

Rushing towards him, I leap into the air and drive the metal rod forward, shoving the end into his chest with all of my might. My body shrieks in agony as I force broken bones and torn wounds into movement, but all that fades into the background as I focus every bit of strength into my attack.

The rod stabs into his body just below the sternum, sinking deep. For a moment, I’m stunned at the sight of Simon standing in front of me with a metal railing sticking out of his chest.Holy shit.

His furious gaze turns to surprise, then reignites into anger as he looks down at the metal, then back to me.Oh shit. Now what do I do?I stumble backwards, further into the alley, trying to figure out my next move. In my panicked strategizing, I never made it past the initial attack. But it’s clear that I need to come up with somethingright now.

Still glaring at me, Simon grabs the rod sticking out of his chest and gives it a sharp yank. It slides out easily, along with a gush of dark red blood. My hope flares for a second, thinking maybe the injury will incapacitate him for a short time. He’s already injured; could this push him over the edge? But my flash of hope extinguishes as he tosses the metal away and advances forward, teeth bared in a hideous grin.

“Now thatreallywasn’t nice, Norah.” Simon’s voice is smooth, belying his anger. The calm tone is terrifying in its unspoken promises.

As he strides towards me, I glance around, searching for another weapon. My eyes flash to the fire escape again, wondering if I have time to grab another railing before getting caught.

But before I can even make a move, Simon is upon me. With one arm, he shoves me away from the fire escape, flinging me into the opposite wall. After smashing into the unforgiving brick, I land on the ground below, stunned, and gasping for air.

My body doesn’t want to obey my brain, as I order it toget up, get up, get up! But all I can do is lay there, everything screaming in pain, and watch as Simon walks over to my disobedient body. He crouches down and rests his hand on my injured leg, squeezing hard enough to grind the bones together. I can’t control the cry of pain that erupts from my mouth, and his evil grin gets wider.

“Very brave of you, jumping out the window.” His grip on my leg remains firm, agonizing. “Idiotic, too. Before, I would have killed you quickly. I almost felt badly for you. But now that you’ve caused me all this aggravation, I want you to suffer. You’ll wish you had died a dozen times over before I’m done.”

A blazing rage fills me all at once, an inferno within my entire body. I won’t lie here passively, to be subjected to whatever sadistic torture he has in mind. I doubt I’ll get out of this alive, but I won’t go quietly. As I stare into Simon’s cruel gaze, a cool sense of calm determination replaces my burning rage.

I allow a small whimper to sneak out, lower my eyes in an act of submission. Wanting him to believe I’m defeated, I whisper, “Please, don’t. I’m sorry I ran.” My lips tremble and I catch the lower one in my teeth, and I cringe away with a little cry.

A pleased expression crosses his face, enjoying my apparent concession. “It’s a little late for that now, don’t you think? I’m in quite a bit of pain thanks to your foolish actions.” He remains crouched next to me, hand still on my throbbing leg, but no longer gripping as hard.

Simon’s other hand comes to rest on my throat, and his thumb caresses the skin to find my galloping pulse. His eyes darken, and I see a flash of desire within, sending a small shudder throughout my body. The idea of him touching me that way is sickening, but it may be the opening I need.

I force myself still, fighting back disgust as Simon’s thumb rubs across my neck. The hand on my leg slides higher, to my thigh, and then to my stomach. He looks almost contemplative, desire still clear in his gaze. If I’m going to try something, it has to be now.Regardless of the outcome, I will not go quietly.

I lick my lips, focusing Simon’s attention on my face. And then I move, twisting my protesting body around to kick out my uninjured leg as hard as I can, connecting my foot with his unprotected groin. The movement draws out another scream, and blood sprays from my mouth along with it. A stabbing sensation in my chest hurts so severely that everything dims for a second before clearing.

I watch as Simon falls backward, his expression one of shock and pain. And despite the dire circumstances, a small burst of satisfaction brings a tiny smile to my face.Even vampires have their weaknesses.

My satisfaction doesn’t last long. I can no longer stand up, so I push myself away with one arm and leg, skin scraping against the pavement. If I could walk, I might have a chance, but this last attack has stolen my mobility. There’s an awful twisting inside my belly, and blood fills my mouth, its coppery tang a terrible reminder of the injuries I can’t see. All I can do is lie on my side, helpless, waiting to find out my fate.

Eyes pinned on Simon, I watch him stand back up with a grimace. His expression twists into one of pure hate. He grunts in pain, which is a slight comfort.At least I know I hurt him. Any weakness will give Ethan a better chance to win, if it comes to it.

It’s a bit of peace that sustains me as I see Simon move towards me, death in his eyes. Then he falls upon me, incisors shining, and rips into my throat with a howl of triumph. The pain is sharp at first, then duller, and everything fades into darkness.

The last thing I hear before slipping into the black is a tortured cry.


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