Page 42 of Norah

Not wasting any more time, I grab the guy’s arm and yank him towards me. He tries to pull away and demands that I let him go. A moment later, he falls silent and willing as soon as I meet his panicked eyes with my steady gaze.Calm. Submit. Forget. I don’t even have to speak a word. I just look at him andpush. Now docile, I guide the guy over to the bed and sit him down. He waits, eyes distant.

Sitting down next to him, I slide Norah onto my lap, supporting her trembling body. Her eyes flicker open as I’m reaching over for the stranger’s wrist. Voice tiny and scared, she whispers, “What if I can’t stop?”

“I’ll make sure you do.” And with a quick bite, I guide the healing blood towards her mouth and watch her feed. Tentative at first, shuddering in pain, her first few draws of blood are small. Then her pulls get deeper, and her eyes flutter closed in relief. I can feel the claws of hunger releasing her bit by bit.

I observe her carefully, to make sure she doesn’t inadvertently take too much as she feeds her starved body. Her greatest fear is to kill someone while feeding, thanks to her hellish experience when she turned. I don’t believe she’d ever lose that much control, but even if she takes a little too much, she’ll be devastated.

“OK, baby, you’re all done.” I stroke Norah’s cheek before giving her a little shake. Her body wants more, but her brain is kicking back online and telling her to stop. I lift her mouth from the punctures and watch as the tiny holes heal back up almost immediately. The guy sits, staring vacantly, but my focus is on her. “How are you feeling? Any better?” She’s not hunched over in pain, but I worry she might still need more blood. We’ll be back in the city soon, if she does. It’s a lot easier to get blood there than in the middle of the mountains.

“I… I feel better.” She takes a few deep breaths. “I just feel tired.” No doubt exhausted after the ongoing tension of her body fighting the pain, Norah sags against my chest.

Time to leave. I want to get Norah home and to bed, and try to put this day behind us. First the ravine, then this; I can’t take seeing her in any more pain. I feel gutted having seen all she’s been through today. Standing up with Norah in my arms, I look down to give the guy a quick push. Blur.Wake up.Nothing happened.And before he can even realize we were there, we’re gone.

We Need Answers


“I still don’t understand what happened.”

Pacing the length of the kitchen, I keep trying to untangle the threads of confusion that are clogging my brain. “It makes no sense. I’veneverfelt that way before.”

Thanks to a late night stop, the exhaustion and pain are gone. I had wanted to go straight home from the motel and put the horror of the day behind us. Ethan was worried that the initial amount of blood I had wouldn’t be enough, and wanted me to feed a second time. I knew he might be right, so I agreed.

Feeding is tolerable at the best of times, and downright miserable after a day like this. I always feel guilty about it, no matter the method or location. We went to a movie theater and found a couple in the back row, more concerned about each other than the movie. We’ve discovered that theaters can be great places to feed, but I try to wait until the credits. I hate the idea of someone missing the movie they paid to see.

Still pacing, Ethan’s hand on my arm startles me from my thoughts. “You’re going to wear a hole in the tile.” His jaw is rigid with stress. I stop to face him and see the fatigue and worry in his eyes.The day has been hard on him, too.

“I’m just… this is freaking me out. What if it happens again? What if it happens and I’m alone, and lose control?” My voice is rising higher and higher as I speak. “I’m so tired of playing catch up, not knowing what’s going on with my body.” Strong arms wrap around me, pulling me close, and I fight the urge to bury my head in his chest and cry from frustration.

“Hey, we’ll figure this out, just like everything else.” Ethan’s breath rustles through my hair as he rests his head on mine.

“When? Andhow? There isn’t a handbook for this.”

“Soon, baby. I promise. Not tonight, though.” He swallows thickly, and I can feel the ripple of emotion pulsing through him. “Tonight, I just need to take care of you. OK?”

I try to reassure him. “I feel fine, really. Totally healed.” But when I meet his gaze, and see the pain darkening his eyes, I get it.This is for him. How hard must it have been to watch me get injured? I know I would have been terrified had the positions been reversed. Then the agonizing hunger that left me shaking and helpless. How must he have felt seeing that?

Ethan’s so protective, so badly wants to keep me from harm. It must have nearly killed him to watch everything that happened today.God. My chest constricts so tightly it feels like all the air has been out of them. I hurt for him, ache for what he’s been through.This is one of the hard parts about love. When you care for someone so deeply that their pain becomes your own.

At the realization, I immediately submit and tuck my head into Ethan’s neck at just the right spot. Face pressed into his throat, I say, “I’d really like it if you’d take care of me.”

His breath gusts out in a sigh. Then I’m lifted and carried into the bathroom, where Ethan quickly and efficiently undresses me. He turns on the shower and adjusts the temperature, all while supporting my weight in his free arm.

Shimmying out of his clothes, he moves us both under the warm water while I admire the wet gleam of his taut muscles. He’s gorgeous with clothes on, breathtaking without.So yummy. I lean forward to lick his chest, but Ethan’s all business tonight, and he pushes me away with a small smirk.

“Not tonight, Norah. As much as I’d love to make love to you, I’d rather see you tucked into bed and resting.”

I growl at him, baring my teeth. “I think that sex in the shower would make me feel alotbetter.”

Ethan takes my chin in his hand and stares at me. His tone is rough. “I know whatyouthink, but I’m still remembering how you felt in my arms tonight, shaking and moaning in pain. You couldn’t stopcrying.” He swallows hard. “It was horrible. I couldn’t take the pain away from you. I want to make sure you’reOK, andsafe, andeverything else can wait.”

Oh. My heart. I drop my head and rest my cheek against his chest. My chest tightens again as I say, “I love youso much.”

His voice is a low whisper in my ear. “I love youeven more.”

He washes me, then dries me as if I’m made of the finest glass. Before I know it, I’m dressed in my favorite cozy PJ pants and a tiny white tee, and tucked into bed. Ethan pulls on a pair of shorts, turns off the lights, and slides under the covers next to me. Turning on his side, he snugs up against my back, big spoon to my little. Warmth seeps into me and my stress dissipates.Ahh. This. Thisis what I needed. As sleep draws closer, I whisper an admission. “OK, you were right.”

Ethan’s low chuckle is the last thing I hear before falling asleep.