Her head dips as she answers, “Yes. I had waited too long.”
“So you went home to findblood?” My voice is tight. Although I understand she felt like she couldn’t tell me the real reason, part of me still feels betrayed.
“I’m so sorry. I was afraid to tell you the truth. It ate away at me; I felt so guilty. Ethan, I’m really, really sorry.” Her hands cover her face, but I pull them back down.
Shit.I know why she was so scared to tell me, because of that asshole Frederick and what he did to her. I need to let this go so that Norah doesn’t feel guilty about it. She told me the truth, and it’s time to move forward, not rehash past mistakes. “It’s OK, baby. I know you thought it was the right thing to do. But I want to be included in everything, even the parts you don’t like.” She nods at me in acceptance, so I continue. “So tell me how you get blood, and leave nothing out, alright?”
Norah swallows hard, and I shift closer to her. “When I finally realized that I would have to drink human blood, I was most scared of hurting the person. I thought of sneaking into a hospital to find blood, but that seemed worse; taking blood from patients that needed it.”
“So I read a bunch of books about vampires to get ideas. It sounds crazy, but I didn’t know what else to do. I also practiced using my fangs so I could make sure that I’d be able to stop once I bit someone. Then I tried to think of who would be the best… target, I guess. Biting a woman felt wrong, and it would be tough to convince a random woman to follow me.”
“Eventually, I settled on the idea of finding someone at a bar, and… well, hitting on them. Convince a guy that I’m interested in him.”
My teeth grind and my jaw clenches so hard it hurts. The image ofmy Norah, petite, beautiful Norah, talking to a strange guy-encouraging him- makes me want to hit something. I realize my jealousy must be clearly visible, because she’s stopped talking and is staring at me wide-eyed, teeth gnawing on her lower lip. I grit out, “Continue, please.”
Her words come out in a rush. “I don’t do anything with them, just talk, make themthinkI’m interested. Enough to convince them to go somewhere more private.”Oh great. Is this supposed to make me feel better?“I’m very strong when I want to be, remember?I’mnot the one in any danger. They are. I try to make it quick; just bite their wrist and take the smallest amount I need to make it another month.”
“And how do you keep the guy from stopping you? No doubt the guy is more than a bit surprised when fangs pop out and you bite him.”
“I can kind of…blurthings, I guess. It’s hard to explain, but I focus on making the guy unaware. As if he doesn’t know that I’m there. And after I’m done, the venom in my fangs makes the punctures heal back to normal. I drop my focus on the guy, and he walks away, not remembering anything other than talking to a random girl.”
I have to take deep breaths before I speak. Despite all her reassurances, the pictures that she’s painting are bringing out a wicked streak of jealousy. Rationally, I know she needs blood, but notthis way. I don’t want other men evenlookingat her, let alone getting close enough to donate blood. An idea comes to me, brilliant in its simplicity. “I have the perfect solution. Take blood from me.”
“No!” I blurt out my response, horrified at Ethan’s suggestion.
“Why not?” He looks slightly hurt at my vehement reply. “You wouldn’t have to look for strangers to get blood. I’ll give it to you willingly. It’s theperfectsolution.”
My heart is racing, and I break out in a cold sweat at the thought of his idea. The idea of sinking my fangs into Ethan has me nearly frozen in fear. “I… it just… I can’t…” I’m stammering, trying to get my mouth working properly.Calm down, and explain, I tell myself.
“I can’t, Ethan. I’m terrified that I’ll lose control every time I go out, and that’s dealing with people I don’t know. But to biteyou, takeyourblood, possiblyhurt you… I couldn’tbear itif I hurt you.”
Ethan’s expression is softer, and he smooths his thumbs across the tops of my hands. “But you haven’t hurt anyone feeding, have you? No reason to believe it would be different with me.”
“Except the first time.”
“You didn’t know what you were back then. This isn’t the same.”
“Please, Ethan, I just can’t. Please don’t be mad at me.”
He gives me a disappointed look. “OK, we’ll drop the idea for now. But wewillrevisit it. In the meantime, I need you to agree to something.”
The relief flows over me and I’d agree to anything other than biting Ethan. “Anything. Anything but that.”
“I want to go with you. I want to watch what happens. It will drive me crazy, imagining what you’re doing. If I can’t give you my blood, then I want to be there so I won’t be wondering.”
Oh, this is bad. Judging by Ethan’s response to metalkingabout feeding, hereallywon’t appreciate watching it. It’s funny; I never pictured him as a jealous guy. But… I imagine him doing the same thing to some random girl and feel an explosion of jealous rage.So OK, fair request.“Fine. But I don’t think you’ll enjoy seeing it.”
Ethan presses his lips together in an approximation of a grim smile. “Perhaps, but I’ll be there, anyway. When do you plan to feed next?”
“Um… I guess another week until Ineedto. It’s not critical right now.”
“We’ll do it tomorrow night. No point in putting off the inevitable.” He lifts me on top of his lap and nips my ear. “But the rest of today is about us; no more questions, just enjoying each other. And I think we should start right now.”
Shifting around, I feel a hardening beneath me and rub against it. “I’m on board with that idea.” I grow damp from the friction between us, and I press my core against his with a moan. Ethan pulls my head towards his and starts pressing kisses along my jaw and neck. He finds a sensitive spot below my ear and sucks on it, the sensation causing a jolt of desire straight through my body. Swiveling my hips and pushing even closer to his arousal, I can feel him pressing into me even through layers of clothes.
He’s still licking and sucking on my neck, and another nip sends me into a frenzy. We’re both fully dressed, and I’ve barely touched him, but I’m turned on already. I tip my head back to allow better access to my throat, loving the attention it’s getting. Another little nip under my jaw andoh my!