Page 11 of Norah

“Are you upset that I brought this up? I know we haven’t known each other long, and I don’t want to push… But it feels like it’s been much longer, whenever I think about you.”

“I’m not upset. At all. I’m kind of worried that you think I’m a total nut job, though.” Norah buries her face in her hands.

“Norah, I don’t think that. We all go through things that are hard to deal with. I have in the past. I just want to make sure you know you’re not alone.” Tugging her hands down to look at her face, I say, “You haveme. Any time. Any place.”

Her eyes are enormous as a mix of emotions flash across her face. “And you have me.” She glances down, cheeks flushing, then peers back up at me. “Would it be alright if I kissed you?”

Hell yes!I nod, and Norah tilts her head a bit as she leans even closer. Forcing myself to stay still, I watch as her eyes flash with need. The time it takes for her to touch my lips feels interminable. Finally, finally, her mouth touches mine, and it is like nothing I’d ever imagined a first kiss could be. Her kiss is tentative, just brushing my lips before committing to the deed.

As the connection deepens, her tongue slips into mine and does crazy things to me. I’ve never been this turned on by a simple kiss. We remain pressed against each other, teasing and exploring, until Norah pulls away with a sigh.Wow. If I didn’t think I was falling head over heels for her before, I am absolutely, one hundred percent sure I am now.

Omission of Truth


I can’t stop thinking about that kiss.

It’s not like I haven’t kissed a guy before. Those kisses ranged anywhere from disgusting- too much of everything- to pleasant. But the kiss with Ethan was something miles beyond pleasant. Astounding? Breathtaking? Life altering? All the above? Adefiniteyes.

And now my mind fills with thoughts of Ethan. His smile, his eyes, the sultry expression he gave me after our kiss… and I can’t forget his muscles. Even hidden under clothes, it’sveryclear that he’s in shape. I keep thinking about what he might look like underneath those clothes. In the middle of a work meeting, images of a naked Ethan flashed through my mind. I’d thanked my lucky stars that I work from home and could blame my distraction on a knock at my door.

It’s been a week since our night on the rooftop and we’ve already been out twice. One evening, Ethan took me to a private wine tasting in the barrel room of a winery. We rented a boat and paddled around the lake in Central Park two days later. It’s almost as if he can read my mind. Each date is something I would have chosen back in my old life.

The dark voice still whispers to me, telling me I shouldn’t continue this thing with Ethan. Telling me I don’t deserve it, that I’ll end up hurting him. But as time goes on and our connection grows stronger, the voice gets quieter. And I pray it stays that way.

I only met this man a few weeks ago, but it feels like I’ve known him for longer. Before that fateful night at the river, I couldn’t have imagined getting close enough to feel comfortable around anyone. But Ethan exploded into my life, and I feel like all the empty places in me are starting to fill.

Maybe Idon’tdeserve it. Maybe the dark voice is right.But I want it. As I bargain with myself to allow Ethan into my life, I make a promise. I’ll do everything in my power to make sure I don’t hurt him.

My phone buzzes with a text saying that Ethan is here. I told him I could take a cab to his place, but he insisted on picking me up. I’m tempted to just meet him on the street, but I don’t want it to seem like I’m trying to hide anything. At the end of our last date, he came inside my apartment briefly, and I couldn’t ignore how his eyes traveled around the lonely space.

There’s a knock at the door and I open it with an expectant smile. Ethan’s standing there with a beautiful bouquet in his hands, and he’s looking fantastic in a dark gray sweater that clings to his pecs.Ohhhh. Instead of jumping on him like my newly discovered inner minx would like, I take the flowers and give him a big hug. I arrange the flowers in a pitcher- note to self, buy a vase- and hustle us out of my studio before it depresses both of us.

Tonight, we decided to stay in and watch a movie. It was my suggestion, because I don’t want him to think he always has to spend money on me. Obviously, my place is out for movie viewing, and I’d much prefer Ethan’s. It’s bigger than mine, but that’s not why I like it.

Being in his apartment lets me learn all about him. I know from the paintings he’s chosen that he loves beaches. His kitchen shows me that Ethan is a pizza addict and prefers frozen to fresh.And I secretly fantasize about living here with Ethan and spending every day together.

“What are you thinking, rom-com, action, or adventure?” Ethan calls to me from the couch as he browses the movie selections.

“Whatever you like. Just no horror, OK?”

He flashes me a devious grin. “And here I was thinking I’d pick a scary movie, so you’d grab on to me when you’re scared.”

Following Ethan to the couch, I flop down next to him. “Don’t worry, I’ll grab on to you, anyway.”

“I hope so.” He waggles an eyebrow at me, somehow making it look sexy. I’ve got it bad.

We settle into the adventure movie Ethan chooses, and I find myself once again distracted by him. This time he’s actuallywithme, instead of in my imagination, which is a vast improvement to my mood.

He’s twining his fingers through my hair as I lean against him. I’m totally relaxed, and my eyes drift closed. Ethan presses his lips to my head, and I want to save the memory of his gentle touch to relive over and over.

Ethan’s voice is a soft rumble in my ear. “Comfortable?”

“Beyond comfortable.”

“Good. I could keep you here forever.”

I wish.Maybe…