I can. It’s the most precious and wonderful gift I’ve ever received. I can feel the intensity of her love for me, and it’sso much morethan I’d ever have imagined. I’d always wondered a little if she could love me as much as I loved her. Now I know that our love for each other is equally strong. Strong enough to beat back death. “I feel everything, baby. All your love.”
I’m not sure how it’s possible, but somehow I’m still alive.
Death wasright there, so close, and somehow Ethan pulled me back from its clutches. This incredible power flowing between us allowed him to heal me. When I was hopeless, despairing, Ethan gave me strength I didn’t know I had. His essence called to mine and ignited the flame that I needed to survive.
My brain is having a hard time catching up with all that has happened. All the agony I felt such a short time ago is gone. The fiery beasts set on ravaging me from the inside out have been vanquished. A miraculous healing energy has forced the chill of impending death back. All the despair and sorrow are gone, now replaced by overwhelming joy and love.
I feel an incredible connection with Ethan- all of his emotions have flooded into me, and mine into him. I can feel his love merging with mine, flowing through both of us like a current, bringing us together as one. It’s more wonderful than anything I could ever have imagined.
Ethan’s concerned voice pulls me away from my thoughts. “Baby, are you OK? Are you in pain again?” I see worry coming back to Ethan’s eyes, and I realize I’ve been silent too long, allowing my mind time to absorb everything.
“No, I’m fine,” I say quickly. “I guess I’m just trying to make sense of everything. It’s… a lot to take in.”
Blowing out a sigh of relief, Ethan presses a kiss to my forehead. “I know. I’m still trying to wrap my head around everything.” He leans back and gazes at my face, eyes dark and stormy. “I thought I had lost you.” My eyes close as his surge of emotions- sorrow, fear, love- flow between us.
My stomach twists with guilt and regret, understanding that it was my actions that caused Ethan so much pain. In a whisper, I say, “I’m sorry, Ethan. I thought it was the only way. But itdestroysme, that I hurt you.”
“No.” The reply is immediate and forceful. “There is no blame except for the monster who started it.” His eyes capture mine, demanding me to listen and accept what he says. “We both made decisions we thought were best at the moment. The most important thing- theonlyimportant thing- is that we’re both here together. We’re alive, and the monster trying to hurt you is gone. Everything else we can deal with later.”
I love him so much.Ethan can always take away my worries and fears, no matter the circumstances. My love for him is sobig, sointense, it’s too much to keep inside. I need to touch him, kiss him, show how much I love him. Shifting around on the pavement, I maneuver into a half-sitting position, hanging on to Ethan’s shoulders for balance. Then I capture his mouth with mine, putting all my love for him into our kiss.
He’s hesitant at first, still afraid of hurting me, but I’m undeterred in my efforts. Nipping his lips, then sucking gently, I tease his mouth open. My tongue traces the insides of his mouth, teasing, until his tongue tangles with mine.
I want more. Still demanding, I make love to Ethan’s mouth, taking the kiss even deeper. Small moans slip from my lips, and I try to pull myself closer to Ethan. I can still sense that he’s holding back, so I redouble my efforts. Pulling away from his lips, I trace a line of kisses down his jaw and neck before biting lightly at the tender spot just below his ear. Two tiny droplets of blood appear, and I suck briefly before licking them away with a swirl of my tongue.
With a growl of need, he pulls me into his lap. His eyes are dark with lust, a lush forest at night. His mouth swoops down to mine, hesitations cast aside. The kiss is now harder, bruising, a mix of pleasure and pain. Ethan bites my lower lip and tastes my blood, sending a shockwave of heat straight to my core. Breathy moans are breaking free, and I pull at the collar of his shirt, desperate to be even closer.
Ethan shifts, wrapping one arm around me as he pulls me over on top of him. Then he freezes, glances around, and grimaces. Fuzzy from lust, it takes a second to realize the cause of his displeasure.
We’re lying in a rather large puddle of blood.Myblood. Which is now coating the two of us, making it look like we’re about to create some sort of macabre modern art. Even for vampires, it’s a bit of a mood killer.
Not to mention an unpleasant reminder of my close brush with death. A shiver shakes my body as the recent memories flood back, pushing away the cloud of lust which had served as a welcome distraction from reality. The shivering intensifies, residual shock combining with the chill of cold air as it brushes my damp clothing.
I’m lifted into Ethan’s arms and he pulls me against his chest, leaning down to brush his lips across the top of my head. His voice is low, soothing. “Hey, it’s OK, baby. I’ve got you. You’re safe now.”
His arms tighten around me, and I curl closer towards the warmth of Ethan’s body. He keeps his mouth pressed to my head, murmuring words of comfort, until the shaking finally subsides. Even though my clothes are hanging in tatters, and I’m completely wet, I’m not cold anymore.
I lean into Ethan, tucking my head against his neck, finally relaxing.I’m home. I’m so grateful just to be here, to feel his steady heartbeat and warm breath rustling through my hair. In the stillness, I notice a change in the current between us. It’s diminishing, settling into a lower voltage. The connection is still there, but the intensity is less.
“Can you feel that? It’s like the power is fading.”
Ethan tenses a little and pauses before speaking. “Yeah. It’s like a dimmer switch is being turned.” His arms tighten around me. “I’m… I’m scared. Of something bad happening when the power goes away entirely.”
“I think it’ll be OK. I’m healed now. We don’t need it anymore.” A minute passes while we both sit silently with our thoughts. The energy flow continues to dial down, but the connection is still steady. Something inside of me just knows that the link between us won’t go away. I don’t knowhowI know it, but I do.
“I think… that the power isn’t sustainable at that level indefinitely. But I think the connection will stay. Once the circuit is complete, it’s always there, just waiting to be reactivated.”
After a long pause, Ethan nods. “I think you’re right. Even though it’s not as strong, I’m still linked to you.”
“Me too. It’s like… even though I don’t feel the powernow, I could, if I wanted to. The pathways are still there. It’s incredible.”
I tilt my head back to look at Ethan’s face, and I’m struck by the expression of pure love written across his features. I can’t believe how lucky I am to be with him, after all that’s happened. My nose prickles and my throat tightens as I realizehow closeI came to losing this. Losing my future with Ethan. “I’m never letting you go.” My voice cracks, and a sob breaks free. “I love youso much.”
“I love you too, baby.” Ethan’s voice is tight. “And I’ll never leave you. I’ll follow you to the ends of the earth, past the moon and the stars, for all infinity. I’ll never exist without you by my side.”