Page 56 of Norah

No. No. NO. It can’t be true. I won’t let it.

Her words hit me like a physical blow, and I flinch. Whatever pain I thought I felt before was nothing compared to now. My heart compacts into a black hole of sorrow, draining me of everything except dark misery.NO. My brain screams denials,not true, not true, not true, she has to be wrong, it’s not true. Shecan’tbe right.

I just need to find her some blood. I’ll show Norah how wrong she is. She’snotdying, no way,not now. Absolute refusal of her claim has me rising, ready to run to find anyone with a pulse and bring them back here.

But then I look at Norah’s face, still so beautiful, even filled with such pain. I see acceptance, fear, and an endless well of sadness. Her eyes lock with mine, and an unspoken message passes between us. A harsh cry bursts out, and I sink back to my knees. I hear sobs and only realize a second later that they’re coming from me.

“No, Norah.” The words choke out in a sob. “I can’t lose you.I love you.”

Her eyes are a hurricane of emotion, remaining fixed on mine. Her words are only a faint whisper. “I love you. So much.” She pauses, and I can see her gathering what little energy she has left.

“Don’t talk, save your energy, baby.” I’m panicked, terrified that every second could be our last.

“I just… want to tell you…” Norah pauses, closing her eyes for an agonizing moment before opening them again. “Your love… has been the greatest gift. Having your love makes everything worth it. I’ll never… stop loving you.Never.”

Oh, Norah. My heart. My love. A giant swell of emotions sweeps over me; grief, love, regret, devastation. How can I let her go? I rest my forehead against Norah’s, grateful to feel her faint breaths against my face. I can’t let her go.I can’t.

As the emotion surges deeper, a pulse of energy flickers deep inside. Just a flicker, a quick explosion of light.What was that?My pulse quickens, and I try to focus on reigniting that light. There’s a small voice telling me,keep the light alive.

I concentrate harder, funneling everything I feel into a single point of ignition. More emotions swirl together- fear, despair, admiration, anger, sorrow, regret- and the energy flares again. Then I push all my love for Norah into it, and like striking a match, the small ball of energy expands with a bright flash.

No longer a hint of light, the powerful light brightens and expands like a newborn star. My whole body fills with electricity, and I direct it towards the tiny sun inside. Somehow, I know it still needs more, so Ipushagain.

Everything suddenly coalesces- heat, energy, emotions, light- into one unbelievably powerful force. The ball of light explodes, tendrils shooting out in all directions, through my body and beyond. Reaching out towards something else, like a magnet to its complement.

What is this?In this blur of confusion, my eyes snap open and meet Norah’s. She’s looking at me with the same puzzlement and wonder that I’m feeling.

Her eyes are glowing slightly, and I wonder if mine are too. Maybe I’ve lost my mind in grief. But then I sense something completely new. Something incredible.Unbelievable. The tendrils of energy within my body stretch outward, searching, flaring with even more power than before. Norah’s eyes widen, and she lets out a small gasp of surprise.

Fear slides through me, a sick dread that this could be the end.Please, Norah, stay with me. Please.I reach out to her, energy flowing fast, and beg her to stay.Stay with me, baby. Stay.

I concentrate on pushing every emotion, every ability, all my power towards the growing star that’s taken life within my body. Thousands more cords of light explode outward, like a static electricity globe. Glowing, pulsing, they surge forward one more time. I know beyond any conscious thought thatthisis my only chance. If I can’t direct this new power where it needs to go, I’ll loseeverything.

All my dreams for a future with Norah are balanced on a precipice, and any hesitation will send it falling. It feels like I’m slipping, reaching for the edge of a tall cliff and finding it only inches too far. If I can only stretch a bit further… In my head, one word echoes, louder and louder.Norah.

All at once, everything goes silent around me. Then a loud rushing noise, like a gale-force wind blowing past. There’s a tremendous pulling sensation, as an equal force calls to mine. An infinite number of flaring tendrils of energy, meeting at last.

I can feel Norah within me. I feel her emotions, her strength, her essence. And I can feel everything inmeflowing into her. Our energies swirl together, twisting, weaving into something totally new. Somehow, miraculously, everything merges into one incredible blaze of power. At this moment,Norah and I exist as one.

The moment our essences merge, I can sense the power flowing between us, like a never ending circuit. There are two stars, one in each of us, and the shared energy seems to grow stronger. My body feels more alive than ever before. It’s like everything is enhanced, electric, burning with an indescribable force. Everything Norah feels,I can too. Her emotions are mine, and so is her pain.The pain. In a flash of understanding, I realize the gift we’ve been given.

Maybe I can heal Norah. She was too weak on her own, with massive blood loss and grievous injuries. But now that we’re connected with such power flowing between us, can we change her fate? Is it possible that we’ve been given another chance?

At once hopeful, I focus on the worst of Norah’s injuries, sending healing energy and a mental prayer.Please let this work. Moving from one wound to the next, I’m once again shocked and horrified at all she suffered. A collapsed lung, punctured by several ribs. Lacerations to her liver and kidney, causing her abdomen to fill with blood. A leg broken in three places; an arm nearly shattered by compound fractures. Throat torn open by ripping teeth. A multitude of gashes scattered across her tiny frame.

I concentrate on healing each injury, careful but trying to be as quick as I can. I can feel Norah trying to help, adding small pushes as we go. She’s still too weak to direct the energy on her own, but I sense small flutters of her will alongside my single-minded focus.

I don’t know how much time has gone by, but I hold Norah’s gaze the entire time, making sure she’s still with me. Gradually, the shadows and strain release from her eyes. The lines of pain smooth from her face; her pinched lips relaxing as the healing continues. Her breathing eases, no longer labored and wheezing. I chance a quick look away from her face to look at her body, scanning for remaining injuries.

It’s…a miracle. Broken bones have knit back together. Nearly all the cuts are gone. The swelling and bruising in Norah’s abdomen has completely disappeared, leaving unblemished skin behind. I reach a shaking hand out to brush over the newly healed places, reassuring myself that it’s real.

Afraid of disrupting the healing flow of power between us, I’m hesitant to speak. I want to keep the current flowing strong while I search for any injuries that could have been missed. I’m not taking any chances that there could be any hurt, large or small, left behind. My brain tells me that Norah’s going to survive, but my heart is still doubtful and scared.

“Is this actually happening?” Norah breaks the silence, and I’m reassured by the strength of her voice. “Am I feeling what you are?”

Hearing her speak brings a lump to my throat. A surge of emotion makes it hard to form words. I have to swallow a few times before speaking. “It is. And yes, you are. Just likeI can feel you.”

Her hand moves to cover mine, and the soft touch brings tears to my eyes. She looks at me with an expression of wonder, all hints of pain completely gone. “This thing between us… it’s so powerful. And beautiful… I can feel your love for me. Can you feel mine for you too?”