Page 47 of Norah

I sense his presence just behind me, holding back just enough to see where I head next. It’s exhilarating to move through the city like this, so fast it’s almost like flying.Why didn’t I try this before?The answer is right behind me. I wasn’ttrulyliving until I met Ethan.

“Is this all you’ve got?” A chuckle comes from directly behind me, and I’m tugged off my feet, captured by two muscular arms. Before I can even speak, we’re gone, moving at a speed beyond comprehension. Not running or flying; justtherein an instant.

Held tightly in his arms, Ethan takes us from the top of one building to the next, and I can barely breathe from the sheer magic of it.Why didn’t I get teleportation as a skill? This is so cool.When we stop, I see that we’re at the top of the city. Literally. Ethan has brought us to the top of One World Trade Center.Oh… wow.

We’re higher than any person can stand in the city, on the roof of the tallest building in all of New York. It’s windy and cold, but that all fades compared to the majestic view around us. Ethan holds me tightly, buffering me from most of the wind.

If not for him, I’d be terrified, but his strength is so all-encompassing, I feel totally at ease. It’s hard to articulate the beauty of the view. It’s stunning, with so many lights and buildings and a vast panorama of life below.

“It’s almost like stars,” I whisper, and I feel Ethan nod against my head. “It’s just… breathtaking.”

His lips brush the top of my head with a kiss, and he tells me, “Yes… but still no comparison to you.”

I pull my head back to give Ethan a look. “Did you really just say that?So cheesy. Would you like some wine with that cheese?” I can’t help but laugh.

Ethan humphs, but I can feel his body shaking with laughter. “You don’tlikebeing complimented?”

“I do, and that was very sweet. Cheesy, but sweet.” I lean in to kiss him, carefully, given that we’re perched on the top of a hundred story building and I have no desire to lose our balance. “Thank you for thinking of this. It’samazing. Being up here, seeing all this, and sharing it with you.”

“Now I can appreciate how our abilities can be good, not the curse that I always thought before. I would never have believed it possible before I met you.” My throat gets thick with emotion, and I have to take a few breaths. “I know this will sound cheesy, but it’s the absolute truth. You’re the greatest gift I’ve ever received, and I don’t know how I ever got this lucky. I love you so much.”

I peer up at Ethan’s face in the darkness, and there’s a sheen of dampness around his eyes. His jaw works and he swallows hard; I can see he’s fighting for composure. Voice rough, almost cracking, he says, “Love isn’t a strong enough word to express how I feel about you, Norah. You’re my heart, my soul… you’reeverythingto me. My entire world- the sun, the stars,everything bright in my life is from you.”

My heart. Beyond words, we stand together, so close we’re almost one body. Silent and still, we watch until the sun crests over the horizon, engulfing us in light.

The Interview


“How do I look?”

Rinsing the last of the shaving cream off my face, I turn to see Norah posed in the bathroom doorway, uncertainty shadowing her lovely face. She’s pulled her hair back into a neat twist, waves smoothed into submission. Wearing a slim black skirt and silky top, she holds a tailored jacket draped over one arm.

Black heels make her legs look even longer than usual, and I’m tempted to wrap them around my waist. She looks polished and professional, sexy, but I still prefer the casual Norah dressed in worn jeans and a t-shirt. I won’t tell her that, though- I’m notcompletelyclueless.

“You look like you’re about to kill it in your interview.” Stepping closer, I can see her pulse flutter at the base of her throat, a visible indicator of her nerves. “You look amazing. Sexy, professional… I wish I was going along to fend off all the men who’ll be staring at you.”

A little smile quirks her lips. “Oh, stop.” She ducks her head and says, “I just want to make a good impression. It’s been years since I’ve been to a job interview, and I’m worried I’ll mess it up.”

I’d like to give Norah a big hug, to help settle her nerves, but I don’t want to mess up her clothes. I settle for taking her free hand and massaging it.

“You’re going to be terrific. You’ll go in and be yourself, and they won’t be able to help but love you. Just remember, you’re interviewing them just as much as they’re interviewing you. Be confident in yourself and what you can bring to the table.”

It’s Norah’s first job interview in almost five years, and she’s been a nervous wreck ever since she got the call to come in. She’s hoping to find a new job in advertising, which is a big step towards entering the world again. I’m so proud of her, facing her fears, and finding the confidence she lost when her whole life changed in an instant.

As I look at Norah now, I’m struck by the differences from when we first met. I thought she was perfect from the start, but I love seeing her opening up again. She’s like a blooming day lily arching towards the sun, no longer content to stay hidden in the night.

Norah presses her lips to mine, and I can feel the slight glaze of her lip gloss. She pulls back, laughing, “I almost forgot! I can’t mess up my makeup!” I like her better without it, especially when it interferes with our kisses.

Glancing at her watch, she yelps. “I have to go! After you finish work, I’ll tell you everything. I’m taking the rest of the day off, so I’ll be here when you come home.”

“Sounds great.” I give her one last quick kiss, then swat her bottom lightly. “Go show them what you’re made of.”

Laughing, Norah rushes from the apartment, pausing at the door to call back, “I love you!”

“I love you too.” The door slams shut, and I send a quick mental prayer that everything goes well in her interview. I can’t imagine them not being impressed. Norah has an innate ability to draw people to her; I’ve seen it many times. Like with Roman, or my sister, or the barista at our local coffee shop; they all fall a little in love with Norah. She’s genuine and sweet, smart and funny, and when she smiles, it steals your breath away.

Norah’s been more cautious about the outcome of the interview. She thinks it could be the bad thing that Roman had predicted. I think she’s partly wishing itisthe shadow he saw; a lost job opportunity much preferable to other, more sinister options.