Page 44 of Norah

“What is it?”

“You can test him.” Norah looks confused at first, then understanding dawns as I keep talking. “Find out if he’s lying. If there’s anything fishy, we’ll take off before he even knows why.”

A Test, and the Truth


It’s a good idea. I keep reminding myself as we walk down the sidewalk, only a few blocks away from the bar where we’re meeting Roman.

But I don’t enjoy having to do this to people Iknow. I didn’t like testing random strangers to find out if they’re lying, but it was necessary to get what I needed. It wasn’tpersonal. But looking into a person who I know, someone I like, feels icky. It feels like a betrayal.

Despite my reservations about this meeting, my gut tells me we can trust Roman. I want to trust him, in part because of his easy going demeanor, and also because he’s the first vampire I met that was actually nice. Iwantto believe that he has good intentions.

Ethan doesn’t have the same feelings as me; he’s muttered some things about toothpaste commercials and the skiing Ken doll several times since yesterday morning when we made our plans to meet. I would have had to be blind not to notice the attention that Roman gave me in Lake Placid. It was flattering, but nothing more.

It’s not making Ethan feel all warm and fuzzy though, so he’s going into this meeting with the expression of a CIA interrogator, ready to catch any mis-tells or lies. Sensing his building tension, I squeeze his hand as we walk towards the tiny Hell’s Kitchen bar, and he gives me a reassuring squeeze back.

It’s hard to even find the name of the bar. There’s a small wooden sign above the door with the wordBiadhadhburned into it. The entry is dark and lined with wooden paneling with coat hooks attached. There are no coats hanging from any of them, which strikes me as odd given the frigid temperatures. We leave our coats on as well, as we walk through the entrance into the bar.

It’s uncrowded, with maybe a dozen people sitting scattered around in small groups and couples. Everything inside is dark wood, from the paneling to the massive mahogany bar. The bar is the centerpiece, located in the center of the room, with hand carved detailing.

Spaced widely around the rest of the room is a collection of brown leather booths and tables. The lighting shines down between the tables instead of directly above, which gives the impression of being seated in the shadows.

I don’t even realize I shiver until Ethan’s arm slides around my shoulders, drawing me closer to him. He tilts his head close to mine. “You alright?”

I tilt my head towards him to say quietly, “Yeah. This place gives me chills. It’s kind of creepy, isn’t it?”

His voice is a breath against my cheek. “Welcoming, it’s not. I feel like a mafia don is about to arrive with his entourage.” We’re both speaking in low tones, which lends itself to the shadowy vibe of the bar. Suddenly, Ethan straightens up taller, his body seeming to expand even larger than normal. His arm is rigid around me, locking me in place. He nods towards the back of the bar, and I follow his gaze to see a tall blond man smiling at us.

I give Roman a little half wave as Ethan and I walk over to meet him. His smile fades a little at Ethan’s expression, but then widens again as he turns it to me. He steps forward and takes my hand, saying, “Norah. So glad to see you again. You look wonderful, as always.” He keeps hold of my hand until a small growl distracts him.

Dropping my hand, Roman directs his attention to Ethan, shaking his hand firmly. “And Ethan, nice to see you, too. I have a table over here; just this way.” He walks into a short hallway set into the back wall, between the restrooms, then turns left.

He leads us into a small room that appears to be a private meeting area. It has its own small bar, with two high-top tables and a large, round booth. It’s empty except for the three of us.

Gesturing towards the booth, Ethan and I slide in, close enough for our legs to touch. Roman walks towards the bar and reaches behind it, pulling out a carafe filled with red liquid and several wine glasses. He fills the wine glasses and distributes them, then settles into the booth across from us.

Another brilliant grin hits us before Roman says, “Ethan, it appears you had some luck convincing Norah, after all. How are you liking the transition?”

Ethan looks at Roman evenly. “It’s a long story. But I’m finding the change to be pretty positive so far. Although I’m still trying to get used to all it really involves.” He pauses. “It’s been challenging when we don’t have all the information we need. That’s why I contacted you.” Ethan glances at me, sending an obvious message with his eyes.You’re up.

My throat feels dry, so I reach for my glass and take a small sip. Expecting the sharp tang of red wine, I almost spit out my drink when I recognize the coppery taste of blood. Seeing my expression of shock, Ethan takes his glass to sniff the liquid, while Roman chuckles, then says, “one reason I like to come here. The owner is one of us and keeps a collection of blood on hand for regulars.”

What? How does that work?I’m trying to wrap my head around the concept when Roman explains. “He has a connection at several hospitals. I don’t know the details, and I don’t ask. But it’s a courtesy that the owner extends to patrons he knows well. Like me.”

OK… One more weird thing about this bar. But also, kind of cool? I’m not sure how I feel about blood from the hospital, about the ethics of it, but since it’s already poured, I see no reason to not drink it.

Taking another sip, I pause before asking my question. “Roman, we’re hoping that you can help. We have questions we’re hoping you can answer. But first I have to ask,areyou here to help us?”

His grin slips into a small frown of confusion before settling into a grim smile. “Yes. I am.” He pauses, and his expression grows solemn. “That’s why I wanted to meet. There are things you need to know that are best said in person.”

I stare at Roman, seeing the truth in his face. No shadows, no hint of a lie. Glancing over to Ethan, I give him a small nod, and his shoulders visibly relax. Seeing Roman so solemn shows him in a different light. The outgoing candor, the big smile, carefree words- those are a cover for what lies beneath. No longer a fun-loving ski bum, with the constant grin; now there’s a steeliness to his eyes, and his features are like stone.

What things has he seen? What monsters has he known?Because it’s clear that this new Roman I’m seeing has met his share of monsters. As I stare at Roman, shocked by my revelation, he captures my eyes with his bright blue ones. He knowsI know, and we communicate an understanding between us.I’m more than you thought, his eyes say,and you’re more than you appear to be.

I’m flustered, unsettled, realizing that Roman has unseen abilities just like me. He knew I had done something when I asked him what I did.Does he know what I can do?What abouthim?

I’m torn between blurting out my questions and bolting from the booth in fear. Feeling my body stiffen next to him, Ethan glances at me with concern. “Everything OK, Norah?”