She turns to look at me, eyes still wide with shock. “The room is… incredible. It’s more than OK.” Her arms go around me, hugging me tight, and a relieved breath rushes out of me. “It’s perfect.”
Phew. Surprise number one, marked as a success.I lift Norah into my arms and carry her over to the king sized bed, laying her down. I pause, taking in her perfect curves and hair spilling around her head in chestnut waves. “If we continued where we left off this morning, we could also test out this bed.”
The bed was wonderful. Magnificent, in fact.
If we weren’t in Lake Placid, a place I’ve wanted to visit for ages, I’d try to convince Ethan to stay there all day. But I’ve been thinking about this trip for weeks, and I can’t wait to explore Lake Placid.
It’s already mid afternoon and Ethan is starving, so we both take quick showers and get dressed for the chilly winter weather of the Adirondacks. Outside the resort, the air is crisp, a welcome change from the often stagnant air of the city. The sun is setting, and it creates a breathtaking panorama over the lake. Everything is peaceful, even the cars seem quieter, muffled by the layer of snow.
Ethan takes my hand as we head down the sidewalk, and it feelsso right. Just two normal people in love, enjoying a weekend out of town, thinking of nothing except enjoying their time together. This is what I want. And Ethan has given it to me.
“Ethan?” He looks over at me as we walk. “I love you. I just wanted to say that.”
His arm wraps around my side, turning me to face him. He tips up my chin and gazes at me. “I love you too, Norah.So much.”
We stand motionless, holding each other, until another couple accidentally brushes against us murmuring their apologies. The moment disturbed, Ethan takes my arm and leads me further towards the center of the village. When I glance over, I see his expression of joy mirrors mine.
So far, the evening has been perfect. We found a barbecue restaurant for Ethan, where he indulged in ribs and pulled pork, while I nibbled on fries and watched him eat with gusto. After dinner, we walked through the village, peeking in stores and looking for the perfect souvenirs. We ended up at a cozy bar overlooking the water and sipped wine, warmed by the heat of a crackling fireplace.
Ethan has been more affectionate than normal, constantly touching me. A few times I notice an unusual expression on his face, almost like he wants to say something, but then changes his mind. We don’t leave the bar until after midnight, but I’m not quite ready to let the night end, so I lead Ethan down to the frozen lake.
Standing at the edge of the ice, I inhale the harshness of the cold air, and it feels almost cleansing in its purity. Pressing closer together, I snuggle into his coat, enjoying the heat of his body as a contrast to the frigid winter cold.
Arms entwined, our breaths puffing out silver clouds in the dark, we stand quietly, appreciating the view. The quiet is like a blanket, so thick in its stillness, I’m startled when Ethan speaks. “Norah…” He shifts around so we’re now facing each other, and his eyes grow serious.
Despite the light mood of the night, a spike of anxiety stabs into my chest.Please don’t tell me something bad.I work to keep my expression neutral as he continues. “I had planned on waiting to do this, but I’ll go crazy if I keep this secret any longer.”
Oh, no. Secrets are never good. My hands want to tremble, so I shove them in my pockets to keep them contained. Ethan pauses, then reaches out to stroke my cheek before going on. “I know we haven’t known each other that long, but…” He swallows. “I never knew it was possible to love someone so much.”
OK, this doesn’t sound bad.“You’re everything I could ever want in a partner; you’re smart, funny, and sweet. Inside and out, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever known. I just… can’t imagine my life without you, and I want to be yours for as long as you’ll have me.”
My breath stops as Ethan drops to one knee. “Norah, I’m willing to wait as long as you need, but I want you to know how much you mean to me. Will you… will you marry me?” He fumbles in his pocket and pulls out a box, opening it to display a sparkling ring.
“I’m not trying to rush you. This is a promise to get married when you’re ready. Tomorrow, or next month, or next year- whenever you want. I just want you to wear this ring and know that you’re mine.” My mouth has dropped open in surprise, still too stunned to speak. “So, what do you think? Will you marry me one day?”
Oh wow. I think my brain may have short-circuited. Ethan is kneeling in front of me, looking cautious yet hopeful, outstretched hand shaking. A volley of thoughts are converging at once, ones of worry, joy, fear, and love. The shadowed part of my heart tells me to pull away, to spare Ethan from being tainted by my darkness. But the other part, the part that his love has touched, tells me to say yes.Stop being afraid to be happy!You deserve love, like everyone else. Just say yes!
While my brain and heart try to reconcile their conflicts, I see Ethan’s face start to fall. And that’s what decides it for me. The realization hits me head on- I need to stop trying to decide thingsforhim, and let him be an equal partner. Somehow I found the most amazing man, who loves me just as I am, and wants my love in return.I need to stop letting fear rule my life, and trust in our love.
Decision made, heart pounding, I give the only response I can. “Yes, Iwillmarry you.”
“Oh, thank God. I was so scared you’d say no.” His words tumble out in a rush of relief. “I love you so much.” He tugs my right hand out of my pocket and slides on the ring. It’s stunning, white gold with an enormous diamond surrounded by tiny dark blue stones, reminding me of the night sky. It’sperfect.
After all the years of loneliness, I’d never imaginedthiscould be my reality. I stare at the ring and take in all it represents; a symbol of our love, and a promise that I won’t be alone again.
“Do you like it?” Ethan’s standing again, holding my hand, grinning with joy and relief.
“I love it.And I love you.” Unbidden, I feel tears welling up in my eyes.
Concerned, his palm cups my cheek. “Are you OK?”
A few tears escape along with a wavering smile, “I’m more than OK.” The smile grows as I continue talking. “I’m just so happy. I never imagined… I never thought I’d ever end up like this. Being engaged to the man I love more than anyone in the world. I feel so lucky.”
“We’re both lucky.” Ethan pulls me in for a kiss, and words are no longer needed. His mouth covers mine, tracing my lips with his tongue, caressing them into parting. His hand slides to my lower back, heated palm pulling me closer. My hands clutch the front of his wool coat, then move to the back of his neck, nails tracing lightly across his skin.
I can feel the firmness of Ethan’s chest even through layers of clothing, and I envision peeling each layer off to discover the taut muscles below. He drops small kisses in a path down my neck, then returns to capture my mouth, delving deep. I can feel his arousal, and my hips rub against him, a warmth building at my core.