“It’s… justmore. More than anything I’ve experienced before. More intense, more powerful. Like you were sharing your strength with me.”OK, that sounded strange. “I told you it was weird.”
“So are you saying I was right? Andmy bloodis better thananyone else’s?” He’s grinning widely, laughter in his eyes. “My parents will besoproud.”
“Yes, you were right. And youarethe best.” A giggle is working its way up my chest.
“Well. I guess you got lucky meeting me, didn’t you?” Ethan winks at me, laughter sparkling in his eyes.
My heart expands even more and the giggle bursts free. “Idefinitelygot lucky when I met you.”
“Are you sure that was enough?”
Norah presses a kiss to the spot on my wrist where two small holes have just healed over, and twines her fingers through mine. “Yes, I’m sure. Ever since we tried your idea of doing this more frequently, I don’t need as much at one time.” She smiles, and her expression lightens. “It was a great idea. I feel much more confident about my control when I’m not starving.”
It’s been about a month since Norah first took my blood, and she’s grown more relaxed about the process. When I first suggested feeding more often, so she wouldn’t need as much each time, her reaction was an adamant no. The idea of doing something she hated even more often was akin to torture.
But once we talked about the theory behind it, and the potential benefits, she agreed to try. Now that we’ve brought it into the bedroom, that’s made it more enjoyable, too. I look over at Norah’s naked form stretched out beside me, languid and relaxed from feeding and the sex that preceded it, and feel a deep sense of completion.
“I don’t want to leave here.” Norah drapes a leg across mine and nuzzles her nose into the underside of my jaw. “I feel like I could stay in this bed with you forever.”
“I know what you mean.” My fingers trace the outline of her breasts, as I contemplate going for round two. My stomach has other ideas and lets out a loud rumble.
“Oops!” Norah sits up, looking remorseful. “You need to eat, too. I completely forgot!”
Hmm, food or sex?It’s no contest to me which option wins out there. “After I’ve had my way with you again, I can eat.” I try to tug her back to me, but she resists; jumping up from the bed.
“No way. If I eat, you need to eat too. What do you want for breakfast?”
“Wouldyoube an appropriate answer?” I can’t keep my eyes off Norah’s slender curves, naked and calling to me.
She giggles. “Another time, yes, but we should get up. Isn’t your sister coming for dinner tonight? We haven’t even figured out what to cook. And I haven’t gotten her a present… why am I so unprepared?” Suddenly flustered, Norah blurts out, “I want to make a good impression on her. My social skills are rusty because I don’t spend much time around people.”
I get up and pull Norah into my arms, looking down at her worried expression. “Your social skills are just fine. I knowIlove them.”
“If you say so.” She quirks a small smile at me, then tugs away and heads towards the bathroom. “Istillwant everything to be perfect.”
Norah wasn’t kidding when she said she wanted to make sure everything was perfect for my sister Abigail’s visit. She’s been dashing around all day, racing to the store for ingredients and prepping some elaborate recipe. Not to mention cleaning the apartment so thoroughly, I half expect her to whip out a white glove. It’s just meant to be a relaxed dinner at home; me and Norah, and Abby and her new boyfriend.
After traveling the world after college, blogging and working assorted jobs to pay her way, Abby is moving back to the states. At first she wasn’t sure where to go, but then she met a guy in Europe who’s based in New York, so she said she’s leaning towards settling here. I’m thrilled to hear that my sister might live close by; we weren’t super close growing up, so it would be nice to build a relationship as adults.
But Abby tends to act first and think later, which has led to some problems in the past. Suddenly, she tells me about a new guy that she met last month, and she’s crazy about him. Now she wants to move to the same city to be with him. It’s enough to send my alarm bells ringing.
Norah comes rushing into the kitchen, interrupting my thoughts, and shoves a crinkly bundle into my arms. It’s several bunches of flowers wrapped in paper, a colorful variety that I couldn’t name but look pretty. “What should I do with these?”
She spins, looking at me with the female-patented expression I’ve seen before:how do men not know this?“Put them in some vases. Of course.”
“What if I don’t have vases?”Why would I have vases?Should I?
“Hmm.” Her lips twist as she thinks. “I think I saw mason jar glasses that will work. Cut the flowers down and divide them up among the glasses.” Problem solved, Norah spins back to the kitchen and starts rummaging through the cabinets. “Found them!”
This is a new side to Norah, and it warms my heart to see her this way. Despite her frenetic pace, her eyes are sparkling, and her energy is zinging. Comparing this Norah to the silent and reserved one I met by the bridge makes my heart fill with affection and joy.Thisis the real Norah, still with some dark shadows, but letting herself enjoy life again.
Unable to contain the overwhelming love surging through me, I rush into the kitchen and pull her into my arms, capturing her mouth with mine. After the initial surprise, her body molds to mine and she returns the kiss with the same amount of energy she’s been feeding off all day.
A faint ringing reaches my ears, but I choose to ignore it until Norah jumps away and yelps. “The doorbell! Are they here already? It’s early! I’m not ready yet!” Her eyes flit around the room. “Go stall! Quick!”