Page 87 of Charmed

A sigh, and she shook her head. “Aye. I miss her and my sister. We shall strive to bring them the peace they deserve. Until then, I’ll put this somewhere safe.”

They watched her exit the room, and silence fell again.

“Her pain and torment are so heavy.” Ceara frowned, gaze on the doorway. “I don’t understand how she’s carried the weight for this long.”

Fiona, either. Their aunt was twice the woman she’d ever be. There were many moments through her and Riley’s process that made her feel guilty for seeking happiness. Love. “She’ll get her own peace, too.”

A loud snap cracked in the room. The box they’d left open on the coffee table had closed, just like it had done for Brady and Kaida. They’d all taken that to mean Celeste had approved. Before anyone could say a word, the box vanished in a puff of white smoke.

Kaida nodded and shifted in her seat to tuck her legs under her. She eyed Tristan and Ceara. “That just leaves you two. Are you ready?”

And that was another thing. To Fiona, intuition niggled in her mind and behind her breastbone that the last task would be the most difficult and require more than any of them had prepared for to date. Nothing and no one said as much or even implied such a stance, but Fiona often caught her eldest sister in quiet moments with an anguished expression which went beyond tasks or curses. Riley had mentioned he and Brady knew there had been something once between Ceara and Tristan in their youth, yet the eldest Meath wouldn’t elaborate beyond that blanketed statement. Ceara hadn’t so much as hinted.

The whole situation left Fiona nervous. For her sister, for all of them. For the entire bloodline dating back to their origins.

From his seat in a chair, Tristan watched Ceara with an intensity only a tormented soul could comprehend. “When our time comes and we’re called upon, we’ll be ready.”

Ceara nodded, gaze in her lap. “We’ll do what is required of us.”

“I don’t doubt it.” Riley cleared his throat, shifting his gaze to Fiona. “You’d be surprised what you’re willing to do when everything is on the line.” His lips curved. “I’d do it all over again.”

That was the exact phrasing Celeste had told her true love Finn in Fiona’s premonition. It stole her breath and heartbeat for a moment.

She smiled at him, at her everything that was born from nothing. They’d won. They got their ever-after. “I wouldn’t change a moment.”