Chapter Twenty-Three
In a shallow cave tucked into a rock wall near the cove, Riley paced anew. The space was barely large enough to hold the five of them, but he paced, regardless. There were several tiny caverns along the cliffs. They’d chosen this one for size and proximity. It was roughly an eight-foot drop to the sand, manageable, and was pretty centered along the stretch of shore compared to the others.
You are braver than me, but we’ll get through this. You have my word.
Her damn text. Seriously. Just what in the actual hell did it mean? He was braver? Was she kidding? She was a warrior goddess. And they’d get through what? The relationship? Destiny? Tonight? He might expire on the spot if the blasted woman ever quit talking in riddles.
A gentle breeze blew, salty and brine scented. Moonlight illuminated the rocky beach below, lit ripples across the ocean with silver hues. It was still too dark. Left too many shadows. Stars poked through a pitch-black sky, but they hadn’t helped chase away the grimness.
The setting would be beautiful and romantic, if not for the situation.
Two hours they’d been lying in wait for the supposed meeting with his uncle and Fiona. It felt like a trap, even though they’d covered their bases.
Them, in the cave, with an invisibility spell guarding the opening so no one could see or hear them. Mara, standing guard on the cliffs, beside a giant oak tree to keep watch from above. Plan A. There was a Plan B if that went sour. Plan C, just in case. But that wasn’t accounting for so many what-ifs.
Fiona was smart. Yet, she was going to be all but alone with the Minister, and Riley couldn’t take this much longer. The waiting. The worry. The avid terror.
And they hadn’t left things between them on a positive note. Much as he knew it had been the right call, the correct move, it didn’t sit well with him walking away from her, despite telling her he loved her. He’d had an ache in his bones and hole in his gut ever since.
“Fiona’s here.”
Riley whirled toward the cave opening at Mara’s Jedi mind trick of projecting her thoughts into their heads. It’s why they’d placed her on the cliff. She could alert them without actually speaking.
Below, to their right, Fiona walked across the beach, her head swiveling to take in all directions. Her cocoa locks, tied in a ponytail, trailed down her elegant spine. She’d dressed down for the occasion, but she was the most gorgeous sight he’d ever laid eyes on. He nearly collapsed in relief.
She climbed to stand on a large boulder halfway between the rock wall and the sea, then glanced around anew. After a beat, she raised her arm, wrist out, hand in a fist.
Was she telling them to hold ground? The plan had been for them to stay put until…
Kaida gasped. “Her mark is gone.”
What? Riley looked closer, squinting, and damn. Sure enough. Her trinity knot tattoo was absent. It had been there a couple hours prior when he’d left her in his bedroom. Which meant…
“Holy shit,” he whispered, lump in his throat and eyes stinging. Warmth, unimaginable warmth, filled the emptiness inside, spread until every crack had been doused in it. Such an odd sensation that his breath caught. “She loves me.”
Brady gave him the hairy eyeball. “Duh.”
No. Not duh. Riley had been questioning her true feelings. Guess he didn’t have to anymore.
Ceara canted her head. “The hint from Celeste had been to let go of anger.”
Barely able to draw oxygen, Riley nodded. “And that she didn’t have to do it alone. There was strength in letting go.” He held out his arm, wrist up, unsure why he hadn’t told the others his mark was gone, too. “I surrendered earlier tonight. Told her I loved her, threw my hands up, and left. I figured, if something happened tonight, at least she’d know.”
Tristan frowned. “So, she did the same?”
“No.” Riley sighed. He huffed a laugh devoid of humor and swiped a hand across his face. Fiona didn’t surrender to anything or anyone. It was a good chunk of why he loved her. “She stood there, watching me, saying nothing. She must’ve discovered her part while alone afterward.”
She didn’t even know his mark had vanished, but the seductive little witch had made sure to let him know hers had, so in case the worst case scenario played out, he wouldn’t question her feelings any longer.
That’s what her text had meant.
“She loved you the whole time.” Ceara smiled, her lilting voice quiet compared the roar in his head. “She just had to admit it to herself. That was the strength in letting go Celeste spoke about, and her completely trusting you. We focused so hard on the angry element because, well, this is my sister we’re discussing.”
Yeah, Fiona did have a bit of a temper problem. Reason number four-hundred and ten why he was in love with her. Sexy as hell, that.
“He’s here,” Mara projected.
Riley’s heartbeat skidded to a grinding halt.