Page 58 of Charmed

"Precisely." She took a sip, eyeing him. He seemed stoic even for his standards. "I'll be out of your hair in a sec. I just needed a caffeine blast."

"You're not in my hair."

Yeah, right. "I'm sure you love the idea of another Galloway underfoot. I won't invade your home longer than it takes to drink—"

"Fiona." Meticulously, he set his cup aside, grabbed the counter behind him, and glared at her. His jaw ticked. "You are not in my hair or in my way. You are welcome here anytime, day or night. Open invitation. That goes for your sisters, too. Get me? You are welcome here."

She stared at him a moment in a twisted stand-off that confused her to no end. He seemed not only peeved, but sincere. What had changed? They may be working together for the sake of destiny, and his brother was engaged to her sister, yet they weren't exactly cozy by her standards. She figured he'd been tolerating her and, more than once, she'd gotten the impression he didn't like the chemistry brewing between her and Riley.

"If you're sure." She sipped her coffee, looking away.

"I am."

Alrighty, then. "While we're on the topic of home invasion, we need to rally the troops. Riley and I got cornered in the alley behind the shop last night by your uncle. He brought a hunter with him."

"What?" He straightened, expression dialed to oh-shit. "Are you hurt? Is Riley all right?"

"We're fine. He's still asleep. Got away by the skin of our teeth. I think we should discuss the situation in front of everyone, though. The whole meet-and-greet was weird."

"Okay," he said slowly, his face wrought with concern. "Brady and Kaida are upstairs. We just got home. I'll go pick up Ceara. I'm assuming she's at your place?"

"Yes, but I'll get her. I need to change, anyway. Can I borrow one of your cars?" It wasn't safe to walk alone with his uncle lurking about.

He sighed, studying her. Sometimes, the brotherly resemblance was uncanny. They all had black hair in varying natural shades and cuts, their height and weight similar. Same wide jaw and high cheekbones. They were triplets, after all. But the difference laid in their eyes. Where Riley's were gray-green and expressive, Tristan's were emerald and piercing.

He tapped his finger against his mug as if choosing his words. "Riley will want to see you when he wakes up."

"I'll be right back."

"You spent the night with him." More invasive staring. "He'll be upset if he finds you gone."

She made a mental note that she needed more than coffee to deal with Meath men first thing in the morning. "I repeat, I'll be right back."

"Try to see it from his perspective. Double whammy. Not only aren't you in bed with him when he awakens, but you're also not in the house if he goes searching." Glaring, glaring. The guy had visual penetration down to a science. "He cares about you. Last night probably scared him to death, and I don't mean just the alley encounter. You're together now, an item."

"I never said we were dating." That convo was between her, Riley, and a bottle of aspirin. "One night together doesn't mean we're in a relationship."

"Oh, yes it does, babe." Riley strode in wearing striped pajama bottoms and nothing else. As if he didn't have a care in the world, he planted his palm on the island next to her and crossed one foot over the other. "We most definitely are a thing."

Why were bare feet so sexy? And bedhead? Or his lazy, sleepy smile enhancing his unshaven jaw and full mouth? Totally unfair.

Tristan held up his mug in a toast with a told-you-so grin.

She stuck her tongue out at him. Mature, sure, but she was wearing stupid pink ice cream cone PJs and had only consumed half a cup of coffee.

He laughed and pulled keys from his pocket, flipping them. "I'll fetch Ceara." He raised his hand to cut her off. "And I'll let her know to bring you a change of clothes."

Once the door closed behind him, Riley took her cup and set it in the sink. Before she could protest, he gripped her waist and hoisted her onto the island.

Positioning himself between her thighs, he brushed the hair from her face. "You snuck out of bed."

"I did not snuck. Or sneak. Whatever." Why was she flustered? She never got flustered. Ever. Especially not with a man, for Goddess sakes. Maybe if she punched herself in the face, she'd snap out of it.

"Did, too. Just like the time I spent at your house, you were gone at daybreak."

"I needed the bathroom. And coffee." True and true. Mostly.

He dipped his chin, watching her over his nose like he was chiding her. "I had fun last night."