Page 38 of Gifted

Epilogue One

~ Poppy ~


As my husband loomed over me on the bed, I smiled up at him.

“Glad you let me bring you to Vegas?” he asked, taking my hand and pressing his lips to the massive diamond ring with matching diamond encrusted band he’d placed there.

“Well…I’m not sure how I feel about the drive-through wedding,” I teased. “But as long as I’m yours, I don’t care.”

“I think you’ve been mine since the first moment I saw you.”

That was true in my heart. From the time I first glimpsed him that first hour of school, a year and a half before we’d been thrust together on that trip, my heart had belonged to him, as if my subconscious had just known he was meant for me.

“I’m glad you finally changed your mind about us and set aside that I was a student.”

He groaned tipping his forehead to mine and closing his eyes. “I’m sorry I made it so hard. I just knew I’d have to give up everything I’d been trying to build away from my family’s business, everything I’d been trying to prove.”

“What were you trying to prove?”

“That I could be something other than the heir apparent—even if I do love my job. That’s the crazy thing, you know? I was being stubborn. I do like working for Kessler Logistics. Even if I didn’t, I would always choose you. And I will never ever regret that—even with fucking Rutgers having something to hang over my head.”

“I’m sure he’s not squeaky clean. You could find retaliatory ammunition if you wanted.” I wrapped my arms around his neck. “But who cares about him? I don’t want to talk about him or families or jobs. That’s boring, Daddy,” I said, slipping into the kink that turned us both on. It was the quickest way to distract him. The play wasn’t our lifestyle, just a bedroom game. Sometimes. Still, no matter what words we used, I was always his little lamb.

“Oh, you think so? And what should we talk about?”

I smiled, trailing my fingers down his chest. “How you take care of me. How I love you so much I could explode. How I am so happy to be yours. And…um…how much I ache right here.” I brought his hand to my center, covered only by my panties. “I’ve missed you so much. That one time on your desk just wasn’t enough.”

His fingers slipped inside my panties and stroked over my slick cleft. His mouth brushed along my jaw to my ear. “Do you need Daddy’s cock filling you up?”


“You going to be a good girl for me?”

“Uh-huh. Anything you want.” My cheeks heated at the promise and at the play.

Climbing off the bed to stand at the side, Noah stripped off his boxer-briefs then hooked his finger in my panties and drew them down my legs. I wiggled to help him, then moaned as he lifted them to his nose to breathe me in.

“So good,” he murmured before letting them drop to the pile of the rest of our clothes and climbing over me again. We’d been touching and tasting each other since returning to the room from our wedding. Now, Noah wasted no time wedging his hips between my pliant thighs. I happily wrapped my legs around him, drawing him in.

“Come home,” I whispered.

He hummed his agreement. “You are home, aren’t you?”

“You’re mine, too.” My hips canted up, trying to take him in as he lingered at my entrance. Noah didn’t make we wait. We groaned in unison as he sank inside me, filling all my empty places. He stretched me wide when he pushed as deep as my body would let him.

“Noah,” I gasped, clutching onto him as I spread my legs farther apart and tried to take more. Yeah, I was greedy that way. He pulled back instead. I had no chance for protest. He surged forward almost immediately, so hard it jarred our bodies and forced a loud cry from me.

“Mine,” he gasped in time with his thrusts.

“Yours,” I agreed. “I’m yours. Oh, God, you feel so good.”

Constant surges of pleasure burned through me with every drive, growing stronger and stronger as the tension in my core twisted, around and around. My climax loomed like a tsunami on the horizon, ready to take me under.

“So fucking good, baby girl,” he gritted out. “How did I get so lucky to have you, this, for the rest of my life?”

“I’m the lucky one.”

Noah drove harder, clearly intent on making me lose my mind.

“Oh fuck, yeah, squeeze me like that,” he muttered, reaching between us and circling my clit. “Show me what a good girl you are, Mrs. Kessler.”

“Noah!” I cried, the use of my new married name somehow seeming naughty. It tumbled me right over, dragging him with me. Unrivaled peace fell over me at the splash of his burning release filling me, marking me as we consummated our quickie Vegas wedding. It was perfection.

“I love you,” he told me. “I’ve never been so thankful for a blizzard in my life.”

I grinned. “Me, either. Let’s do that again, Mr. Kessler. I want to practice everything you’re teaching me and be the perfect student.”

“You couldn’t be anything but that,” he groaned, and I felt him growing hard inside me already. “You’re gifted.”