“I’d laugh at your joke if I wasn’t so tired,” she sighed, rubbing her eyes. “I think I’m going to head to bed.”

“All right.” He kissed her forehead. “Get some sleep and let me know if we need to reschedule the date tomorrow night.” He was going to take her out for their first anniversary.

“I’ll be fine by then.” She gave him another kiss before slipping down the hallway to the bedroom. He smiled as she went, knowing he’d been blessed even a year later.

The next night, he was packing for their vacation on the yacht when Kelli came up behind him. He’d already arranged for all the diving gear to be ready for them to go out SCUBA diving.

Kelli looked slightly sick.

“You okay, hon?” he asked, helping her onto the couch.

She looked at him for a moment as she took a seat. “What was the plan for the trip again?”

“Diving,” he said with a frown. “Do you not want to now? You said you were looking forward to it last week.”

She looked at him, holding his gaze as she shook her head. “I don’t think I should.”

He didn’t understand.

She gave him a soft smile. “I shouldn’t be diving when I’m pregnant, Nox.”

His eyes widened. “What?”

She nodded. “I took a test last night, and it came back positive. I’m pregnant.”

He jumped forward, pulling her into a hug. “Oh my god, Kelli! This is wonderful!”

“Don’t spin me,” she yelled, holding her mouth, “I’m already dizzy, love.”

He squeezed her and pulled back, looking deep into her eyes. “We’re going to be parents.”

She nodded with a large grin. “We’re going to beparents.”

He swooped her up and carried her to their room, and they cuddled on the bed, talking about the new miracle growing in Kelli. He couldn’t wait for the day the baby arrived.

Nine months later, Kelli’s water broke, and he rushed her to the hospital.

“Kelli, sweetie, deep breaths.” He told her as the doctor settled her legs into the stir-ups. She had been having contractions for over five hours, and it was time.

“Easier said than done,” she screamed back, gripping tightly onto his arms. “Oh God, make it stop!”

“It’s time to push,” the doctor said, giving her a smile. “You’re about to become a mom and dad.”

His heart beat loudly, and his world froze. Kelli was screaming, and the lights seemed to flicker. The doctor said push, and Kelli screamed louder. The nurse spoke, but he heard nothing. His mind was zoned out for that moment.

Then, the sudden cry of an infant filled the air, and everything moved.

“It’s a boy.” The nurse pulled him up, and Kelli’s face shifted from pain into joy. The baby screamed as they placed him into Kelli’s arms.

His heart felt full as he looked at his son. Ten fingers and ten toes. He cried, reaching out toward Kelli.

“A boy.” She sighed, looking at him. “We have a son.”

He patted her forehead, giving her a kiss on her cheek. “We have a son.”

They’d already thought of names months ago. They had gone over and over different names until they finally landed on one. “Nox Junior.”

He looked at his baby, still holding onto Kelli with a death grip. He could feel the wolf in him, and he smiled bigger.

All his worries about not deserving a family were gone. He deserved them, and he was an amazing alpha. Kelli proved it to him, and now with their son, he didn’t want it any other way.