Nino narrowed his eyes in thought. My words didn’t even make sense to me. “It seems unwise to marry a person you don’t want instead of the person you want, but economic, political or familial reasons might be the driving force, especially in our world.”

I didn’t even know if Amo loved me. I didn’t even know if I loved him. “How do I know if I’m in love?”

Nino’s body became tauter. “I’m not the best person to ask.”

“I think you’re the best person I could ask.”

Nino gave a nod. “It’s not easy to put into words, even for me. I’m not an expert in this field.”

“You love Kiara, despite your emotional struggles.”

“I do.”

“How did you know?”

“Before Kiara there was calm and then suddenly there was chaos. It was frustrating at first but then I learned to enjoy it.”

I bit my lip. Amo quieted the chaos in my head. Maybe this, too, was a sign.

“Greta,” Nino said quietly, waiting until my gaze returned to his face. “I assume you’re talking about yourself?”

I didn’t say anything. Maybe I had already said too much.

Nino’s expression was analytical, not judgmental in any way. “Knowing your past interactions with men outside of our family, there are only very few options. It could be someone you met at your dance recital, which is unlikely given Fabiano’s presence and the limited time frame. Or it could be the only other male you spent time with. Amo Vitiello.”

I tried not to react to hearing his name. I was terrified of admitting to it.

“I think I fell in love,” I whispered.

Nino shook his head. “Greta—”

I touched my heart. “No,” I said firmly. “I can feel that it’s true. I fell in love, and it felt wondrous.”

“That’s why you’re crying?”

I froze and reached up, feeling wetness on my cheeks. “I’m crying because my heart’s already broken before it ever really got the chance to experience love.”

Nino regarded me quietly. “You said nothing happened between you and Amo.”

“It didn’t. We talked. But I felt a connection I’ve never felt before…”

Nino’s expression was impossible to read.

“You won’t tell anyone, right?”

If he told Dad or Nevio, everything would fall apart.

“I don’t see how telling anyone would serve any other purpose than bring down war on us. I don’t think now’s the right time to pursue a conflict with the Famiglia.”

“How can my feelings for someone be the reason for war?”

“I’m sure you can see how that would be the result.”

I lowered my gaze. If I allowed my feelings for Amo to take center stage, this might lead to a cancellation of his wedding and that would cause a major uproar in the Famiglia. It would weaken them. Dad and Nevio would assume the worst. They wouldn’t believe me if I said Amo hadn’t manipulated my feelings. I couldn’t see them accepting a bond with Amo. They would start a war. So many would die.

“Even thinking about him feels like betrayal.”

Nino released a long breath. “Your brother would definitely see it as betrayal if you left Las Vegas for Amo. And I don’t have to tell you that your father won’t ever allow it, for nothing in the world.”