She shoved my arm. “You know that. Of course. I’m just worried, you idiot.”

I turned and headed toward Dad’s office. I knocked.

“Yes,” Dad growled.

I went inside. Dad was hunched over a drink in his leather armchair. He was in a bad mood, but I knew there would never be a good moment to tell him what I had to say. Better not to ruin one of his few good moods.

Dad frowned over the glass at me. “What now?”

“I need to discuss the wedding with you again.”

The look Dad sent me was unmistakable. He had absolutely no intention to talk about this again. I didn’t give a fuck. He needed to hear this. He thought I was just getting cold feet but this was more.

“I have found a girl I want to marry,” I said.

Slowly his eyes dragged up from his drink again. If possible, his expression was even more pissed than before. “Why do I get the feeling I won’t like what you’re going to say?”

“It’s a good choice,” I said. “She’s from an important family.” The understatement of the fucking year.

Dad narrowed his eyes. “Cressida is a good choice, the choice we all decided on.”

“Fuck, Dad, would you listen for one fucking second? Cressida was a mistake, is still a mistake and will be the worst mistake in my life if I marry her.”

Dad didn’t say anything but his expression didn’t soften in the slightest. I got why he wasn’t impressed with me. I’d done a lot of shitty things over the last five to eight years.

I ran a hand through my hair, trying to figure out how to get through to his thick skull.

“Humor me, who is it?”


Dad stared, his mouth setting in a thin line. “As in Greta Falcone?”

“Yes. I want her.”

Dad shook his head, chuckling. Then he sobered when I didn’t fall in. “You’re being serious.”

“I’m deadly serious. I want Greta.”

Dad shoved to his feet and carefully put the glass down on the small side table as if he worried that he could throw it at me if he kept it in his hand.

He came closer, his eyes incredulous but also angrier than I’d seen them in a long time. “Amo, have you lost your fucking mind?”

I stared back at him, unblinking, as serious as I’d ever been about anything in my life.

“Let’s disregard the fact that you’re going to marry Cressida in a few weeks, shall we? You could have any woman in the Famiglia. Every family would gladly give their daughter to you as a wife, but Remo Falcone’s daughter that’s not something I can make happen. Nobody can unless they’re ripping her from his cold, dead hands, and even then you’d still have to kill the remaining Falcone bunch.”

I knew all that. I knew Remo Falcone would ram his blade into my heart before I’d finished asking for her hand. Not to mention Greta’s crazy twin. “I’m willing to risk it. I want Greta. It’s her or no one.”

Dad looked at me as if I’d lost my fucking mind, then his expression hardened and he grabbed my arm. “Don’t tell me you touched her? Or heaven forbid took her virginity? I swear, Amo, I’m going to beat the shit out of you for the first time in your fucking life if that’s the case. Cressida, that was something we got under control, but Greta? Hell would look pretty cozy in comparison to our life if you fucked up like this.”

I shook him off, fury bursting in my chest. “I wouldn’t dishonor Greta like that,” I growled. “She’s honorable.”

Dad searched my face and grimaced. “Fuck it. You’re serious about her.”

“I am, Dad. I want Greta.”

He shook his head again. “Remo Falcone won’t ever allow it. He’d rather chop himself into pieces and send us the bloody mess than give us his daughter. I don’t have leverage against him to force him and to be honest I doubt he’d let anyone force him into giving away his daughter. He’d go on a fucking rampage as he should.”