“Did he say anything inappropriate?”

“Like what?” I asked as we ascended the staircase. I really couldn’t imagine what Alessio had in mind.

Alessio stopped on the step below mine, which brought us almost to eye level. “Something sexual.”

I pursed my lips. “You, Nevio and Massimo talk about sex around me all the time.”

“Not to you,” Alessio said as if it should be obvious and I was stupid not to see it.

“Of course,we’re relatedbut Amo and I aren’t.”

Alessio shook his head, bringing his face closer and spoke in a low, warning voice, “Do not say anything like this to Nevio, you hear me?”

I blinked at him. “What if he asks the same question you did?”

“Then you come up with a better answer. Say you didn’t talk at all, or you talked about cotton candy. I don’t care, but do not say what you said to me.”

“You want me to lie to Nevio?”

“Greta,” Alessio said in an imploring voice, grabbing my shoulders, which was why I knew it was serious. “Nevio’s waiting for a reason to kill Amo. Trust me when I say he’ll kill him if you give him that answer, or better yet tell him Amo sat beside you half naked, massaging your feet while you hugged his shirt.”

“You’re stating the facts wrong.”

“Nevio won’t care for the correct facts. He’ll take the facts that suit him and go with it. He won’t be able to control himself, he won’t want to.”

I sighed and nodded. Our conversation was cut short when Uncle Savio appeared above us. “Your presence is required, dollface, so stop the chitchat.”

Alessio let me pass and I walked toward Savio. He was the second youngest of my uncles, in his mid-thirties and always called me dollface. I never understood why he did it considering dolls looked lifeless at best, and creepy most of the time. When I’d asked him why he compared me to a dead thing, he’d laughed so hard, I’d thought he’d pass out. He still called me dollface but because he meant it in a nice way, I didn’t mind.

Savio wrapped an arm around me as he led me in the direction of the common area. “You okay?”

“Of course,” I said.

He shook his head. “Convince your crazy father.”

I didn’t get a chance to ask what he meant because raised voices came from the common room and made my anxiety flare up. The atmosphere when we stepped inside was so tense, I felt a little sick. Dad and a man who looked remarkably like Amo were face to face, looking as if they were about to throw fists any moment. Amo’s expression told me he was willing to join in. Only Nino seemed to keep a cool head. I didn’t see anyone else, which was fortunate. Nevio and Massimo probably wouldn’t have improved the situation.

The moment Dad spotted me, he stepped back from the other man. “Nino told me what you said.”

I didn’t say anything, not sure what he wanted to hear. I hadn’t heard what Nino had said but knowing him he’d probably repeated my words accurately.

“Talk to Kiara,” Dad said after he’d regarded me for a long time. What was everyone trying to see?

I gave him a puzzled look. “Why?” I enjoyed talking to Kiara. Her kind insights were very close to how I saw the world, which was very nice, but I could tell Dad had a reason for his request.

“Remo,” Nino said firmly. “She doesn’t display any signs. Calm down.”

Amo’s expression twisted with fury and so did his father’s. They obviously knew what was going on even when I didn’t. At least I wasn’t the only one who seemed clueless as to what was happening judging from Alessio’s analyzing expression.

“We’re leaving now before this ends in a very unpleasant way,” the man, who must be Luca Vitiello, said. His arm was stretched out in front of Amo’s chest as if he feared he would have to hold him back. It was all very confusing.

Nino held Dad by the shoulder, and murmured something in his ear. Dad motioned me forward and I went over to him immediately. Dad cupped my chin, his eyes so intense I had trouble returning his gaze.

“I’m fine, Dad, only cold,” I said with a reassuring smile.

He gave a nod. Then he looked over my head. “You can leave.”

“I wasn’t asking for your permission,” Luca Vitiello said.