“If you always give up control like that when you torture, then you won’t get any useful information out of them,” Dad said disapprovingly.

“And an onslaught of immense pain like this in such a short period of time isn’t as torturous as dosed amounts of agony over a longer period,” Nino drawled.

I shivered.

I needed to leave. I needed to stop this. I needed…I needed.

“What is going on here?” Mom’s shrill voice pierced my ear.

“Oh fuck,” Dad muttered.

I turned to find Mom in the other cell. She looked completely disgusted, furious and terrified. She stared at Nevio with horror-widened, blue eyes. Last time I’d seen her, she’d been happy and tipsy, nothing of that remained.

He only grinned. “Dad gave me the best birthday present ever.”

Mom swallowed, disbelief reflecting on her face as if she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Dad stalked toward her, grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the cell despite her struggling. I quickly dashed under the desk that was pressed up against the wall and huddled in the shadow it provided, making myself as small as possible.

A moment later the door swung open and banged against the stone wall. Dad dragged Mom inside. He closed the door and pressed a button on the keypad beside the door. Suddenly the sounds from the neighboring cell ceased and I assumed Nino and Nevio wouldn’t be able to hear us anymore either.

Mom ripped away from Dad’s hold. “How could you do this?” she screamed, her skin red, and tears streaming down her face. “What is wrong with you?”

I’d never heard Mom raise her voice against Dad.

She began beating her fists against his chest. “What. Is. Wrong. With. You? How could you give a twelve-year-old boy a present like that?”

Dad grabbed Mom’s wrists, his expression scary.

I didn’t understand what was going on. I’d never seen my parents fighting. I’d never seen Mom freak out like this either. She was always so calm and understanding.

“Do you really want Nevio to become as messed up as you?”

Mom! My breath hitched and I had to force myself to stay motionless.

Dad jerked Mom against his chest, smiling in a way that made my heart beat very fast. “Maybe you are blind to the truth, Angel. But I am not. Maybe you cannot see or won’t see that our son is a monster. I don’t have to turn him into one. He’s messed up and I’m trying to channel his monster before it goes rampant in a way none of us want. For fuck’s sake, look at him.”

Nevio was running the tip of his blade along the man’s belly with a curious expression.

“Stop it. Stop it now!” Mom whispered harshly.

Dad looked down at her for a long time, before his mouth set in a tight line. “Go upstairs. I’ll stop it. For today. You can’t stop who Nevio is becoming, who he has been all his life. It’s in his genes.”

“Maybe we can get help.”

“We are his help. He doesn’t need anything else. Now go up,” Dad growled.

He’d never ordered Mom around like that, and I shivered.

Mom ripped away from his hold and stormed outside. Dad released a harsh breath then he stalked out of the room. I crawled out from under the desk and stumbled to my feet then toward the keypad, pressing the button that Dad had. He appeared in the neighboring cell a moment later.

“The show is over,” he ordered.

Nevio shook his head, still hurting the man with his knives. “I’m not done yet.”

He sounded so eager, so…wrong.

Dad grabbed Nevio by the shoulder and jerked him to his feet. “I said it’s over. And you better remember who makes the laws in this house and in the West.”

Nevio stared back at Dad for a moment before he dropped the knives and nodded.