Page 16 of The Wrong Brother

I shouldn’t be surprised by my brother being an idiot. Again. He needs to get the fuck out of his own way. Everyone knows he’s into Mina. No one cares. Except him. I send him home to think and get breakfast for me and Mina. We eat, watch an episode ofDark, and go down to her building’s gym to work out.

We work HIIT for an hour until we’re both drenched in sweat and collapsed on the ground. Mina needed to work through her fury and I had a lot on my mind.

“What did you want to talk to me about?”

“Who says I wanted to talk?”

“Cut the shit, Raff. Why else would you show up at my apartment that early?”

“I texted and you didn’t respond…” I hedge.

“Uh huh. And obviously it wasn’t anything important enough to warrant rushing to my apartment because you haven’t mentioned it once. You dealt with me, with Griff, ate breakfast, watched Dark, worked out…” she trails off, waiting for me to fill in the blanks.

“Ok, ok. You got me. There wasn’t an emergency and I wasn’t worried about not getting you on the phone.”

“Spill.” Mina drops her head back to the ground and I do the same. It’s easier if she’s not staring at me while I talk.

“What if there was a girl?”

“What? Who?” she borderline screeches. I’m lucky she’s exhausted or the volume would have been worse.

“That’s the thing. I don’t want to say. No specifics.”

“I’m hating this already.”

“Deal with it. I’ve listened to you pine over my brother for years. You owe me.”

“Shit. I do. Proceed.”

“What if there’s a girl? I’m into her. The possibility, on my end, has been there for a while. But she’s never really seen me.” Memories of her words after walking in on me in the bathroom rise to the surface and I drift back to the feel of waking up with Catherine cuddled against me, holding my hand.No, don’t think about it. Everything feels too tenuous to include last night. I want to believe that it indicates her feelings are changing, but, as usual, I’m too scared. Hope can lead to an even bigger crash when it turns out she merely wants help with the party and a friend.

“This sounds strangely familiar.”

“I’ll give you that, but, at the risk of sounding conceited, I’m not used to being invisible in that way. I mean, people getting to know me a little and not wanting more is extremely familiar, but I tend to at least initially get noticed.”

“So she doesn’t even know you exist?”

“I didn’t say that. But up until recently, it didn’t seem like she would ever see me as a man, you know?”

“Ah. Gotcha. What has changed? Or what makes you want to bring me into your confidence now?” Mina stretches.

“An opportunity has presented itself. There’s a chance I could help her with something and, in that setting, maybe she could see me as more. But I’m not sure if it’s brilliant and I should jump at the chance or if it’s underhanded and I’d be an asshole for trying.”

“Will helping take advantage of her? Did she ask you or are you just trying to insert yourself in the situation?”

“She asked. And I think it will help her although I also don’t think it is strictly necessary. That’s why I’m torn. I think she can handle it alone and I want her to feel strong enough to stand on her own two feet. But if she does that then I lose my chance.”

“That’s very noble, Raff, but think about what she asked of you. I like that you want her to see herself the way you do, but maybe this isn’t the time for that to happen. Maybe you should give her what she wants and be happy that you get the opportunity to show yourself in a new light at the same time.”

“That’s true. See? This is why I was anxious to talk to you. Sorry I ruined your sexy morning with Griffin.”

“No worries. You probably did me a favor. Him freezing and showing me he’s not ready to be honest about how he feels about me was less mortifying in front of you than it would have been somewhere else.” She sighs, sitting up. “I think I can move enough to make it back up to my apartment to shower. You gonna clean up at mine?”

“If that’s cool with you. A shower would be nice. I don’t have clients for another couple of hours.”

“Sweet. Showers and moreDarkwith gallons of ice water?”

I stand up, giving her my hand and pulling her up. “I like your thinking, Brookner.” Mina may be the wrong sister but I’m very glad she’s my friend.