Rafferty:I changed your name in my phone. You’re now My Queen.
Me:Oooh, very official. Now I feel compelled to do it too.
Me:But you need a pet name first.
Rafferty:Would you even use it, though? You always call me by my full name. Always Rafferty, never Raff
Me:Huh. I guess I do. Well, love, you’ve got a pet name now
I quickly change it waiting for his reply.
Love:I like it. Next time we’re together I’ll need to get a photo
Me:I like how detail-oriented you’re being
Love:I thought you might appreciate that
Me:Before I forget, Mina suggested we do a double date this week
Love:Ok. Are they thinking Friday?
Me:Probably. We hadn’t made plans, I think she wants us to “test out” Griffin so she doesn’t have to lie to him
Love:That makes sense. I don’t want to put her in a tough spot.
Love:I can touch base with her later and get back to you if you like
Me:Sounds good.
Love:When would be the best time to talk to her to avoid interrupting all of the sex they seem to be having?
Me:From what I hear, NEVER
Love:Awesome. I should video chat them, make it as awkward as possible
Me:Bad idea. I did that and she pulled on a t-shirt for me but I still ended up getting flashed lady bits.
Love:Fuck that. I’d rather not have to gouge out my own eyes. Texting wins
Love:I think we should get together before Friday. We don’t want to fail our first test.
Me:Smart. I could come to you
Love:Nah, it’s no big deal for me to come to yours. How’s Tuesday evening look?
Me:I’m free. Meet me here?
Love:See you then my queen
In truth, I’m a little disappointed. I want to see him before Tuesday night and I’ve never seen his apartment. But that’s ridiculous. Fake boyfriends don’t need to check in every day. I make myself a sandwich, queue upPsych, and go back to bingeing and sewing. I’ve passed the part of my Sunday where I pretend I’m not a boring homebody.
Laundromats are some of the weirdest places to hang out. The people watching is epic though. You never know what you’re going to get. Sometimes I like to draw them. Sometimes I like to play a game where I try to guess why the other patrons are there. This morning there’s a tired looking woman, maybe in her thirties, with a baby strapped to her chest. I don’t have to guess with her. She’s using one of the big machines to wash bedding. There may be a story there but it’s not very entertaining because it’s so obvious. My clothes are washing and I have time to kill.
There’s an old guy on the end of the row that is a puzzle, however. He’s carrying what looks like a purse, looped across his body. He’s waiting on one of the two big machines to finish washing, like the young mom. He keeps looking around furtively and then slipping his hand in his purse. Man-bag. Murse. I try not to be too obvious but I’m watching him, dying to know what he’s up to. My phone starts ringing and I have a video call from Mina. That’s odd. I look around but the mom has on headphones and the older guy is tucked in the corner with his murse. I hate to be that guy, but I answer it.