Syssi affected an apologetic expression. "I downloaded an application that is designed for babies nine months and older. She loves it."
The little girl lifted her head and gave Annani a bright smile. "Na-na."
"Yes, my love. Nana is here."
"Da-da," Allegra said with a resolute tone and went back to her tablet.
Annani laughed. "She communicates very clearly. She said hello and then told me to talk to Daddy."
As Syssi went to open the door for more dinner guests, Kian sat down next to Annani and brought his chair closer. "Thank you for helping Darlene pull through. I'm sure that Toven is grateful."
"He is. He called me to ask about Darlene's progress, and he also called Geraldine and Eric. He is very concerned about his granddaughter."
Kian frowned. "Is there a reason for concern? I thought she was doing fine."
"Bridget assures us that Darlene is doing great, but Toven hoped that she would transition more easily. He is disappointed that the potent godly blood flowing in her veins is not giving her a more significant advantage over other transitioning Dormants."
As Amanda and Dalhu entered with Evie in a baby carrier, and Kian pushed to his feet and walked over to greet them, Annani shifted her attention back to Allegra.
She was not an ordinary child, and Annani was not the kind of grandmother who saw greatness in all of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She had hundreds, and she followed their lives as closely as she could. She loved them all, but that did not mean that she believed they all were destined for greatness.
Allegra would one day lead the clan. Not because she was Kian's daughter but because she was a natural leader.
After all the guests had arrived, everyone had greeted everyone else, and Okidu had served the first course, the topic of conversation had naturally moved to the mission in Karelia.
"I should have joined the force," Orion said.
Alena put her hand on his shoulder. "You can't leave your pregnant mate alone. Besides, someone needs to stay and defend the village, right?" She looked at Kian.
"Absolutely. The reserve Guardians and the remainder of Kalugal's men are meeting in the gym tomorrow morning at seven for a briefing with Onegus. You are welcome to join them."
"I will. Thank you for telling me."
No one around the table missed the note of sarcasm in Orion's voice, including Kian.
"I didn't tell you about the meeting before because you don't really need to join the training. If Fates forbid we are attacked, you will serve us best with your compulsion ability."
Orion nodded. "You are right. Perhaps I should practice with Kalugal combining our powers. Each of us has a slightly different aspect of the ability."
"That's an interesting observation," Kian said. "You and Kalugal can compel people to forget things, but Toven, who is much more powerful than both of you, cannot."
"I didn't know that." Orion rubbed a hand over his jaw. "I'm immune, so I didn't experience his compulsion."
Annani smiled. "It reminds me of something Kaia told me about gene expression. I did not understand most of what she said, but I understood that the same genetic combination can produce different results under different conditions. You might have inherited compulsion ability from a common ancestor, but it expresses itself differently in each of you."
"The same is true for you, Mother," Amanda said. "You share the same common ancestor. Your paternal grandfather must have been a powerful compeller." She sighed. "It's a shame that none of your children inherited the ability. I would have loved to be able to compel."
"Why do we need to go hunting so early?" Kagra walked beside Jade toward the security office.
"Because I'm hungry, and yesterday you seemed eager to go."
"That was noon, now it's six in the morning, and it's Saturday. I don't get up at dawn on weekends."
"You don't get up at dawn on weekdays either, but the early hours of the morning are the best for training, which I decided to step up for you."