Taking a deep breath, she draped the chain around her neck and turned to Eleanor. "I assume that you want to compel me before I put the earpieces in."

Eleanor nodded. "Repeat the story we rehearsed before."

After Sofia had done that, Eleanor compelled her to stick to the story, and then it was time to make the call.

She put the translating earpieces in and pulled the communication earpiece from the pendant and activated it.

"Sofia," Valstar responded immediately. "This is an unusual time for you to call."

"I couldn't get away last night, but I needed to tell you what I found out. I have a heart problem. I wasn't feeling well, and the retreat's doctor referred me to a cardiologist. I saw him yesterday, and I'm afraid that the bill was quite steep. I owe Safe Haven a lot of money. They paid for it, but I need to pay them back."

"You can pay them back in installments from your salary. What else do you have to report?"

She shouldn't have been surprised at his lack of concern for her health, but it still hurt. He hadn't even asked how severe her heart problem was and if it was life-threatening.

"After the doctor's visit, we went to a get-together hosted by a rich backer of the paranormal program. Turns out that they are running a candidate as a test for their future plans, which are at the national level. I think that the candidate they are backing is one of them."

"That's interesting. What's his name?"

"It's a woman. Her name is Katie Berlindor."

"Never heard of her, but then we don't care who the Governor of Oregon is."

"Normally, I would agree with you, but the paranormals might be just testing the waters in Oregon. Their next target might be the presidential race, and they could take over the country. I don't know what the impact of that would be on our community, but I'm sure Igor would want to know about it."

"I'll let him know. Anything else?"

"No, that's it for now."

"Keep up the good work. Goodbye, Sofia."

"I don't know how long I'll be able to do that. My health has deteriorated significantly."

"If you could attend a fancy get-together yesterday, you are not on your deathbed." The line went silent.

"Well, that was a slap in the face." Sofia deactivated the device and pulled the chain over her head.

"I'm sorry." Marcel took her into his arms.

"I'm not." Sofia rested her head on his shoulder. "I should not have expected any emotional response from him. I don't know what I was thinking."

"He's a jerk." Eleanor patted her shoulder. "And he's a lousy leader. Even if he didn't care, he should have at least pretended that he did."



"Over here." Okidu waved Toven and Mia over to the bus.

"I thought that we were taking the limo to the clan's airstrip." Mia drove her portable chair to where the butler stood.

"Master William has a lot of equipment that he's taking with him. There wasn't enough room in the limousine. Master Kian offered to send Onidu to drive you and Master Toven in the limousine, but Master Toven said that the bus was fine."

The Russian drones needed to be outfitted with advanced electronics, and if they got to stage three of the plan, William would need to scramble the compound's communications. He would also need to figure out how to remove the collars many of the hybrids and purebloods had been outfitted with, hopefully without blowing their heads off.

"I hope you don't mind," Toven said.

"Of course not." Mia looked at the stairs and winced. "But you'll need to carry me up."