Oddly, that seemed to do it. A low mumble moved through the small crowd, and he even saw a few smiles. He didn’t know if Brooke’s enthusiasm was contagious or these people were just excited about getting their pictures posted online. Either way, he wanted to go with the energy.

“My door is always open,” he said. “I mean it. TravTech started with just me and a couple of developers.” Both of those developers had left, but he didn’t mention that. “Things were better back then in so many ways. But now is an exciting time for TravTech, and I’m happy to have each and every one of you as part of it.”

He’d lost them again. He could see that. They looked nervous and bored and uncertain. Nervously, he looked over at Brooke, who glanced at Charlie. Charlie gave Brooke a nod.

“Thank you, everyone, for coming today. We’ll be coming around to talk to each one of you at your desks at some point.”

While people shuffled out, Brooke made her way over to stand next to Justin.

“Thanks for that,” he leaned over to whisper, noting that she had an apple smell. He wondered if it was her shampoo. Somehow, smelling like apples fit her personality perfectly. “You saved me.”

“I didn’t want to overstep.”

“Overstep. Please. I need someone to overstep right now.”

Everything felt completely jumbled. He was supposed to be this humble guy who had learned a lesson, but at the same time, he needed to have the confidence necessary to turn this entire company around. He had no idea how to do any of that.

Which was why he needed Brooke’s help.

“If you don’t need me, I’m going back to my desk. I have some interviews to line up.” She stepped back as she spoke, pointing toward the door. The last of the employees was emptying out of the room, and in seconds, they’d have the whole place to themselves.

He didn’t want her to go.

It was absurd. He’d gone his entire life so far without even knowing Brooke Alexander existed. Now, she seemed to have gotten into every little nook and cranny of his brain. She could go back to her desk, but he’d still be aware that she was in the building.

He needed to get out of here. Go clear his head. Maybe by the time he saw her again, he’d be able to focus on the work they needed to get done.


Brooke had gone her entire life without knowing a man like Justin Travers existed. But since she’d met him, she couldn’t seem to stop thinking about him.

And now she was packed up to head out on a two-day trip with him. Deciding what to wear had made it all too clear just how much she was trying to impress this man. The sad thing was, it wasn’t like she could ever indulge her attraction to him. He was her boss. Even if a guy who had billions and could probably have any woman he wanted was interested in her, she couldn’t do anything about it. It would be hazardous to her career.

Besides, billionaires didn’t end up with women like her. Billionaires ended up with tall, sophisticated types like Charlie who probably knew which fork to use in a fancy restaurant. Brooke was the type who preferred eating pizza on her bed while watching reality TV to getting all fancied up to eat sparse servings in a way-too-darkly-lit restaurant.

I’m at the gate.

Justin’s text came through as the rideshare driver pulled up to the curb in front of her terminal. Brooke sighed and got out, thanking the guy while she retrieved her suitcase from her trunk. By now, she should have become a pro at traveling to conferences and trade shows, but sadly, she’d never been high enough on the ladder to be invited. So, she would spend the next couple of days struggling to make it appear like she knew what she was doing.

She fumbled her way through check-in and security, then rushed in the wrong direction for five minutes before realizing her gate was the other way. Thankfully, Justin wouldn’t have to know how long it had taken her to do something that a seasoned traveler could do in her sleep. When she saw the sign for the gate ahead, she slowed down, pushed her laptop bag strap higher on her shoulder, and took long, deep breaths to hide the fact that she was a nervous wreck.


The sound of his voice only made Brooke more nervous. She turned and saw him in one of the chairs facing the direction she’d been walking. His phone was in his hand in front of him, so she just hoped he’d been staring at that and not watching her try to collect herself as she approached.

“Hi,” she said.

It was the way he looked at her. That’s what had her so tied in knots these days. No matter how many times she told herself it made no sense that he’d be attracted to her, his eyes took on a certain softness when he looked at her. He didn’t have that look with anyone else.

“Looks like our flight’s delayed.” He pointed up at the screen. “You want to go grab some breakfast?”

She resisted the urge to look at the screen above her. A seasoned traveler would also know that the flight was delayed. Why? Because a seasoned traveler would probably have been monitoring the flight on her phone, maybe even have an app that alerted her to changes in departure times. So, it was best to pretend this wasn’t news to her.

“Sure.” She pointed ahead of her. “There’s one of those cinnamon roll places right up this way.”

There. That would make her sound like she knew this airport when, in actuality, she’d simply noticed the sign while she was walking.

But Justin wasn’t reacting. He looked like he wanted to say something but thought better of it. “Maybe something a little more…”