“That’s a good princess,” I say. “Taste your pussy on my cock.”
I allow the tension in my groin to build as she goes down on me. Closing my eyes, I savor the swirl of pleasure in my loins, the heat roiling in my balls, and the wet gliding of her mouth along my shaft. With a loud grunt, I piston my hips to my climax. Without needing me to tell her, she swallows every last drop of my cum, then licks me clean.
“Thank you, Sir. Thank you for your cum.”
She licks her lips as if she’s just finished a rich dessert.
I shake my head as I zip my pants. “A pain slut and a cum slut.”
“The best kind of slut,” she returns with a smile.
I could leave the hood on her and walk her out of the club right now. One of my guys put a tracker on her car, so we know where her bodyguard is. He’s probably still driving around, trying to figure out where we are. It would be so easy. Plus, she’s come, I’ve come. It’s a good note to end on.
Instead, I ask, “You up for more?”
“If you are, Sir, yes.”
I release her from the suspension bondage and lead her to a wooden pole. While she stands with her back to it, I retie her wrists behind the pole and bind her neck to it with rope. Next, I wrap the rope around her waist and bring it through her crotch, cleaving her pussy lips, before throwing the end over a beam and attaching a bucket.
“I have three-pound weights,” I tell her of the metal plates I hold in my hand, “which I’m going to place in this bucket at the end of your crotch rope.”
I place one disk in the bucket. She still has the hood on, so I can’t read her reaction. I add a second weight. She starts to breathe more visibly but doesn’t seem too distressed until I add two more disks for a total of twelve pounds. Her hips and legs are pulled forward, and she’s on her toes past the heels of her shoes. After placing a fifth disk in the bucket, I wait for her to use her safe word. She doesn’t.
I put a sixth weight in the bucket.
“Oh, shit…” she mutters through gritted teeth.
“That’s eighteen pounds on your pussy,” I note, impressed.
There are more weights I can go for, but I retrieve a vibrator instead. Turning it on high, I place it against the rope at her crotch.
“Ahhh!” she cries.
“That feel good?”
“God, yes! I’m going to come.”
“Yes, please, Sir, yes.”
“Do it.”
Her torso pumps up and down, and I see her orgasm undulating through her body, her mouth open in a silent cry before she starts to whine. I keep the vibrator going.
“K-K-K,” she stutters.
“You can come again,” I say.
“It h-hurts now, S-Sir.”
“That’s what we’re here for.”
“P-Please—oh shit!”
Trembles erupt through her as I yank the nipple clamps off her. She screams, her body bucking against the pole and bindings. When I turn off the vibrator, her breath is ragged.
“You came again, didn’t you?” I inquire.