“And I could be the one to fulfill all your fantasies.”

“You don’t even know what they are.”

“Only one way to find out. So we doing this drink or not?”

He thinks for a beat, and I suspect he is going to decline, but then he sets his jacket back down.

“Not here,” I say, noticing Carmen.


“Want to get something to eat? I’m starving.”

He looks at his watch, a sleek black timepiece with a silver or platinum frame. It looks expensive without being ostentatious.

“You have a place in mind? It’s past one o’clock.”

There aren’t any nice restaurants still seating at this hour, though he looks like he has been to his share of fancy restaurants. I furrow my brow in thought. Maybe there is a nice bar still open? But maybe not on a Sunday.

“You like Chinese food?” he asks when I don’t come up with anything.

“Yeah,” I reply. “Is that what you feel like having?”

“You’re the one who’s hungry. There’s always late-night stuff around Chinatown.”

“Great! You want to drive?”

I do not want to have to cart around Chase with what might be my only chance to have the guy all to myself.


“Just give me a few minutes.”

“I’ll be outside.”

With almost giddy steps, I head over to Chase. “I’m going to grab something to eat in Chinatown. He’s driving. You can follow us, but I do not want to have to explain you.”

Chase nods as he suppresses a yawn.

I hurry to the changing room, where I pull down my panties and jeans to apply a cooling ointment.

“Damn, girl, that’s some serious spanking you got,” says Aleisha.

I inspect my backside in the mirror. My ass has never been this red before, and it’s clear where the cane landed.

“It’ll be days before that goes away,” she adds.

“Yeah,” I agree.

“You sound like you’re happy about that.”

“I am. Kind of. There’s something about the guy that’s so…masterful.” I pull my panties and jeans back up and wince. “I mean, he seemed so deliberate in what he was doing. He wasn’t inflicting pain just because he could.”

Aleisha looks skeptical.

“I don’t know quite how to describe it. I mean, yeah, I get off on pain—”

“A little too much maybe?”