He rubs her moist folds. “Look at all this slut juice.”

She murmurs when he caresses her clit and groans when he sinks his fingers into her twat.

“Oh my god, can I come again?” she asks.

How is she so damn lucky?

“Yes,” he answers.

As I watch her twitch coming a third time, I resolve to get a taste of this Dom for myself. I can’t remember the last time I’ve wanted something this badly. At the moment, I want it more than a chance to go down to Mammoth.

And I usually get what I want.

Chapter five


Needing to calm myself, I light a cigarette outside the club. If anyone told me it was illegal to smoke near a public building, I’d claim ignorance and put out my cigarette.

A man I don’t recognize walks out. Once I had fixed on the Dom playing with Carmen, I didn’t pay attention to anyone else. I watch as the man walks toward a parked car. Soon after, the Dom emerges and seems headed toward another car that had started its engine.

“Hey,” I call out to him.

The man pauses but doesn’t stop.

“I said ‘hey,’” I try again.

Without turning around, he replies, “I don’t smoke.”

I quickly drop my cigarette and grind it out before catching up to him. “You new to the club?”

He continues across the street. “Not really.”

“You play elsewhere?”


“Like where?”

This time he stops, ending up next to a large idling SUV, and faces me. “Why are you asking?”

“Just curious. I saw you with Carmen. You looked really experienced.”

“That’s because I am.”

He opens the backseat door and starts to get in the vehicle.

“Wait!” I exclaim.

He pauses.

“You coming back tomorrow?” I ask. “The club was kind of quiet tonight, but it’ll probably pick up tomorrow night. You should check it out then.”

His expression is impassive. Is he always this standoffish?

“I’ll think about it,” is all he says before getting in the car and closing the door.

I watch the car pull away from the curb and drive off. I puff up my cheeks and blow out a sigh. A car starting behind me startles me, so I decide to get off the road and head over to my own car, where Chase is waiting.