Once Casey gets her cellphone back on our way out, she calls her bodyguard. I can hear him even though he’s not on speakerphone.
“Where have you been?” he exclaims. “I’ve been calling and texting.”
“I’m sorry, this club I went to doesn’t allow phones,” Casey explains as we get into my car. “Besides, I thought you were right behind us.”
“I was, but it was like I got boxed out. I’ve been driving all over San Francisco looking for you.”
“Jack’s gonna drop me back at Club de Sade. You can meet me there.”
“You know if anything happened to you, your dad would have my head on a platter?”
“Nothing did happen, so it’s all good.”
“Just don’t let that happen again.”
“Okay, okay. Didn’t know you were such a worrywart.”
Hanging up, Casey shakes her head. “It’s like I have a fucking nanny—and I’m twenty-one years old!”
“The trials and tribulations of being a princess,” I remark with little sympathy.
She glowers at me. I grin.
“I had a great time,” she says. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
We don’t talk much on the ride over to Club de Sade, which is good with me. I like that Casey doesn’t seem to feel the need to fill the silence with conversation.
Her bodyguard is parked right in front of Club de Sade when we pull up.
“So you’ll let me know, right?” she asks. “I can call your phone with mine so you’ll have my number.”
“You can just tell me what it is,” I reply.
She lifts a skeptical brow. “You’re just going to memorize it?”
“What’s so hard about remembering ten digits?”
“It took me weeks to remember mine. You must be good with numbers.”
I am, and I only need her to tell me her number once.
“You sure you’ve got it?” she asks.
“4-1-5-5-5-5-2-8-9-8,” I answer without missing a beat.
She looks impressed. “Okay then.”
When I don’t say anything more, she opens the car door. “I might go up to Tahoe, so let me know soon.”
I can tell she wanted more of an answer.
“Thanks again for the fun times,” she says before exiting my car.