“What’s in the bag you brought?”

She grins. “An outfit.”

“What kind of outfit?”

“You’ll see.”

Chase is no longer visible in my rearview mirror. It’s not a far drive to The Lotus, which is in a building of black glass four stories tall. There’s no signage to indicate what’s inside. I pull up in front, and two parking valets open our doors for us.

“They don’t allow cellphones in the club,” I explain to Casey after I grab her bag and we head inside. “It’s to protect patron privacy.”

The club has reception interference, but everyone is required to leave their phones at the coat-check and walk through a metal detector. I can tell Casey is impressed with the lobby with its marble flooring and golden wall sconces with hand-sewn silk shades.

“Why so many bouncers?” she asks of the security guards as one of them double-checks to make sure we’re on the guest list.

“People have tried to crash the club before,” I reply.

“Can I tell my friends that I got to come here?”


The front of the club is a typical club with a bar, lounging area, and dance floor. The back of the club is where the BDSM action is.

“Go through the women’s restroom. You can change in there if you want, then go through the entry in the back,” I explain to Casey. “I’ll meet you on the other side.”

Walking through the men’s room, I enter the part of the club reserved for BDSM members. Unlike Club de Sade, The Lotus mostly has private rooms. There are a few open rooms without a fourth wall and a stage for exhibitionism. Right now, there are three women utilizing the stage. One of them, on her hands and knees, is penetrated from behind while she performs cunnilingus on another woman.

After a few minutes, Casey emerges and comes to stand next to me. “That kind of stuff turn you on?”

“Why not?” I respond.

“I think it’s interesting how straight men will get turned on by lesbian action, but I don’t think straight women feel the same way about gay men. At least I don’t.”

“Maybe you just need to give it time.”

She seems to consider it. A staff member walks over to us to see if we need anything, such as a rapid STD test kit.

“What service,” Casey says after I accept two of the kits.

“Follow me,” I direct her. “I’ve got a room reserved for us.”

I walk her up to the second level and, opening the second door to our right, we enter a room with dark wooden floors and walls. It’s relatively sparse, but I like it because it has plenty of beams overhead to facilitate bondage suspension. I drop my bag onto a table, and we each take a test kit.

While we wait for the results, I say, “Let’s see this outfit.”

Teasingly, she undoes the buttons of her coat. It falls to the ground revealing her fishnet bustier with an open bust design. The bodysuit comes down to her hips and ends in garters attached to thigh-high stockings. A black G-string covers her mound.

“Turn around,” I command.

She does, showing me her ass, which has some bruising from where the cane struck her last night.

“Nice,” I compliment.

“I’m glad Master likes it,” she says with an impish sparkle in her eyes.

I walk up to her to get a closer look. Cupping a breast, I run my thumb over her nipple. She gasps softly. I rub my thumb around the nipple until it peaks. Slowly, I tug the hardened knob until she grunts.

Stepping back towards my bag, I say, “I have an accessory that’ll go well with your outfit.”