His tone ruffles my feathers. “What do you mean by that?”
“You dating some guy your father doesn’t know about?”
“Last I heard, you are with Courtney,” I deflect.
“I broke it off with her for you.”
“I didn’t ask you to do that. You’re not seriously going to go through with what our fathers want?”
He looks at me like I’m the crazy one. “This is important, Casey.”
“It’s more crazy than anything,” I correct. “If my dad wants to partner with your dad, they don’t need us to do that.”
“They probably don’t trust each other enough, so our marriage would be the glue that holds this partnership together.”
“That’s bullshit. Just because we suddenly become family, doesn’t mean people can’t or won’t stab each other in the back.”
“Look, the Bradys have been mafia for generations. The Callahans too. It makes sense to look for new opportunities out here in California together.”
“Then work with my brother. I don’t really care about the family business.”
“You can’t not care, Casey.”
“I didn’t ask to be born into this particular family.”
“What’s so bad about being born a Callahan? You’ve got everything you want. You’d rather be born to some crack whore in the projects or something?”
This conversation is going nowhere, and I want to bring it to a close.
As if he senses the end of my patience, he changes his demeanor. “Look, I know you probably think I’m not the settle down and get married type, but I’ve had my fun, and I’m willing to take the whole family thing seriously.”
“Well, I’m not. I haven’t even graduated college yet. I’m not ready to settle down.”
“What do you even need to graduate college for?”
I shrug. “I don’t not want to graduate from college.”
“You can go to college and get married.”
“I just don’t feel like marrying yet.”
He shakes his head. “What more do you want from me?”
“I didn’t say it was about you. I said I just don’t feel like getting married anytime soon.”
He runs a hand through his hair and starts pacing. He stops. “Getting married isn’t gonna stop you from doing any of the things you want to do.”
Ready for him to leave, I say, “Fine, I’ll think about it. Just give me some space to wrap my head around it.”
It’s probably not the answer he wanted to hear, but he grudgingly accepts it. “Sure you don’t want to come out with us tonight?”
I nod.
He shakes his head as he leaves. With Kenton gone, I go upstairs to my room to plan my outfit for the night. I want to look my sexiest because Jack is the Dom of my dreams. Aleisha might tell me I’m rushing to judgment, but I feel it deep in my belly. It even feels momentous. Like my life won’t ever be the same.
Chapter fourteen