I eye her lips. My cock would look nice between them, but I don’t want to give away too much our first time together. “Maybe another time.”
She perks up. “So we get to do this again?”
I set the implements I used into a basket marked for cleaning before heading out. “No promises.”
At that, she frowns. Quickly, she pulls up her clothes, wincing when the fabric passes her ass, and follows me.
“Why not?” she demands. “Wasn’t I a good sub?”
“You were decent,” I acknowledge.
“I was better than decent.”
I don’t respond and continue walking.
“Hey!” she calls.
Whipping around, I grab her by the throat. “I don’t respond to ‘hey.’”
“You just did.”
I squeeze tighter.
Her eyes widen. “Sir! I meant sir.”
I release her and turn back around.
“I can do better,” she assures me. “I’m just a little out of practice. I’ve been at school for the last few months. I just need to get back in the groove.”
I collect my jacket from where I had left it on the back of my chair, prepared to call it a night. Or maybe I’ll stop by The Lotus where I can take care of my wood.
Casey steps in front of me. “Can I buy you a drink?”
Looking into her bright and eager eyes, I have to smile to myself. I have her right where I want.
Chapter ten
I’ve never had to buy a guy a drink before. Men offer to buy me drinks. But I can’t let this guy get away without knowing when I’d see him again. My ass burns like never before, and I love it. The orgasms have been among the best I have ever had, even though I’ve used that exact same type of egg myself.
As he contemplates my question, I start to formulate what I can say to convince him. I don’t want to come off desperate, but I have never wanted to be with a guy this much before.
“You scared?” I prompt.
“Of a drink?” he returns, sounding incredulous.
He stares deep into my eyes. “You want me bad, don’t you?”
I balk at his arrogance, even though it is true. Lifting my chin, I reply, “So what if I do? That scare you?”
“Why would that scare me?”
“I don’t know. Maybe you’re scared that I’m a better sub than you think, that I’ll ruin all other subs for you.”
“You have no idea what you’d be getting yourself into with me, princess.”