And who wouldn’t be? I think to myself with a smile. I just scored one of the most delicious Doms to walk into the club.
A server wearing a bunny outfit comes by and sets down a mug before him.
I address the server. “Can I get a coffee too?”
“This is tea,” the Dom says.
“I didn’t know they served tea here,” I say, surprised.
I look at him curiously. “I don’t think I’ve ever met a man who drinks tea. Most guys go for the harder stuff. They’d think tea was a wussy drink.”
“Maybe the guys you know feel they have something to prove with what they drink. I don’t.”
I like his response. I remember hearing my brother say, when asked if he wanted a cocktail, that real men drank beer. Guys like my brother or Kenton would balk at drinking tea. Alcohol would be best, but coffee would at least be “manlier” than tea. So, in a way, it takes serious cojones for a guy to be seen drinking tea in public.
Realizing I don’t even know the name of the guy I’m about to play with, I say, “My name’s Casey. What’s yours?”
“You know how to address me,” he replies after sipping his tea.
“I do?”
He gives me a look suggesting I should know better.
“Sir?” I guess.
He nods. “What’s your preferred safe word?”
“Do I need one?” I return flirtatiously.
He raises a brow. “You always this reckless?”
“It’s kind of exciting without one.”
“What’s your middle name?”
I wrinkle my nose. “I don’t like my middle name.”
“What is it? And don’t make me ask a third time. I don’t have the patience for disobedient subs.”
With a pout, I relent. “Maeve.”
“That’s your safe word. What are your hard limits?”
“I don’t do scat play, but that’s about it.”
With a tinge of skepticism, he asks, “Everything else is fair game?”
I shrug. “Why not?”
“Have you tried everything else?”
“No, but there has to be a first time so I can decide whether or not I like it.”
He leans back in his chair and studies me. “You’re very trusting.”
My voice comes out husky without trying. “You seem like a guy who knows what he’s doing.”
“You can’t know for sure based on what little you saw yesterday.”