Page 66 of His Christmas Gift

“That’s amazing. I believe you two are the essence of a power couple,” the journalist laughed.

Dean and I shared an amused smile. Perhaps, that was true. Nothing could stand in our way. We worked so well as a team. We always had. I was just glad that we didn’t have to fake anything anymore because I wanted everyone to know how great of a team we were.

“I absolutely wouldn’t deny that,” Dean chuckled before checking his watch. “It’s about that time.”

“Thank you,” the journalist told him before walking off to prepare for the grand opening.

“Please tell me you get huge ceremonial scissors,” I told Dean as I followed him toward the front of the crowd. A red rope blocked us off from the front doors of the gym, waiting to be cut.

“I think I just get regular scissors,” Dean laughed, pausing when we got to the front near Ethan and Gemma. He leaned over and gave Gemma a kiss on her head and Ethan a pat on his shoulder. “I’m glad you were able to come all the way out here with us, man.”

“It’s been a while since I came to London. I think it’s been… a few months,” Ethan said.

I couldn’t help but smirk and shake my head. Ethan was a traveler, an opportunity seizer. He couldn’t ever sit still, but that was how he was successful. He saw a good opportunity, and he jumped on it before anyone else could even realize that it was there.

“Well, I’ll send you over here every so often to check on my gym,” Dean replied before turning to me. He leaned forward and kissed me on the forehead, holding me close. “This is our victory, sweetheart.”

I smiled as I closed my eyes for a moment, treasuring the kiss lingering on my skin and his sweet words. He was the hardest working man that I knew, and I was glad that we found a way to work together. This was a huge victory for him, for us, and for his company.

“Let’s open this gym up,” I said in a determined voice.

Dean grinned and walked toward the red rope, standing behind it with a pair of scissors an associate gave him.

“Welcome, everyone. Today, I have the honor of opening the first international HyperFit gym,” he announced, spurring applause from the crowd. “This has always been a big goal of mine. I want everyone to experience the welcoming, motivating atmosphere of my gyms in every corner of the world. This is a great start.”

I watched him with a proud smile on my face. He had come so far, starting in a little town in Louisiana. Now, he was opening his first gym abroad, and this wasn’t the end for him. I knew that he would continue to do great things.

“But I didn’t get here alone. Because of all of you, my great team, and my beautiful family, I’ve reached this point. I’ll never forget what you’ve done for me. I’ll never take it for granted,” Dean continued, sounding heartfelt as he placed his hand on his chest. “So, thank you, and let’s continue this bright future of ours.”

I applauded and cheered with the others, watching Dean cut the rope. The crowd started to move forward to go inside the gym, brushing past Dean and me as we smiled at each other. I was surprised that he hadn’t gone inside first to look at his new gym.

“Are you okay?” I asked him as I walked over to him.

Dean nodded as he reached his hand out to take mine, pulling me closer to him.

“Everything is perfect,” he said, looking so awed and happy. He then looked past me as Ethan approached with Gemma. “Hey, sweetie.”

“Daddy!” Gemma cried out happily, throwing her arms around his neck as he took her from Ethan’s arms.

“Nice speech, man. You always had a thing for them,” Ethan congratulated Dean, patting him on the back. “This gym is going to be a hit. Next, you’ll have to put one in Italy. I go there every summer.”

“You definitely need the workout,” Dean teased him.

“I always have to test my investments,” Ethan pointed out before looking toward the open doors of the gym. “See you guys in there.”

We nodded, watching him disappear into the new gym before looking back at each other. I moved closer to Dean’s side, placing my hand on Gemma’s back as she smiled and looked around with wonder in her eyes. I hoped to always keep that look in her eyes.

“We’re actually here,” Dean said, letting out a long breath.

I could tell that he was overcome with joy, and I couldn’t be happier for him. We had worked so hard to get this location up and running. There had been a lot of hurdles to jump over, but we made it. We believed in this hard enough.

“We’re actually here,” I repeated as I gazed at him with pure admiration. He was a great role model for our daughter. He was a wonderful father, never putting work before her. He was always there for her, for me.

“How do you like this place?” Dean asked Gemma as he grinned at her.

“Awesome!” Gemma exclaimed, loving everything going on around her. She wasn’t easily overwhelmed by a lot happening. In fact, she got bored easily if things weren’t happening. Good thing our lives were always busy.

“I think so too,” Dean chuckled. “Now, we have an excuse to come here every once in a while.”