Page 40 of His Christmas Gift


“Move it, girl!”

I chuckled to myself as I watched Jenna, Hannah, and Autumn shuffle around and dance to Jingle Bell Rock as my family hung out in the backyard. The grill was smoking, the music was loud, and everyone was having a good time. This was how we spent the holidays.

“We are lucky guys,” Jared said as he sat in a lawn chair near Aiden and me. We all gazed at the girls, laughing fondly as we watched them dance and fool around.

“We certainly are,” Aiden agreed before sipping on his apple cider. “Have you and Autumn talked about kids?”

I glanced over at him and shrugged, not wanting to commit to a solid in case he asked Autumn. I didn’t want there to be two conflicting stories. We were so close to the end of the week, and I didn’t want to drop the ball in the final quarter.

“A little. We just got engaged, so we’re not rushing into anything,” I replied.

“That’s smart. Kids are a big deal,” Jared said as he glanced toward the patio door leading into the house. Our mother was watching over all the kids right now. “But they’re the best things ever.”

“Agreed,” Aiden said. “They change your entire life. Everything seems to make a little more sense.”

I wondered what they meant by that. I supposed that I wouldn’t understand until I had kids too, but I didn’t know when that would be. I couldn’t imagine having kids in general, but when I thought about having a relationship with Autumn, I could see them in our future. She was the only woman with whom I had ever thought about having kids, and we weren’t even truly together.

“It’s hard to have just one too. You just want to keep filling your life up more and more,” Jared sighed happily as he settled back in his seat, looking at peace.

At times, it was odd seeing my brothers like this. They were particularly different before they met their wives. In fact, they were a little more like me. I had to admit that they seemed a lot happier now, and I was glad for them. They deserved their happy lives and happy families.

For so long, I didn’t understand what that could even feel like for them, but I believed that I understood it a little more because of what I shared with Autumn. She gave me a glimpse at that kind of life, and I liked what I saw and what I felt.

“You got a good girl, Dean,” Jared told me, reaching out to pat me on the back. “Looks like she’s already part of the friend group.”

I looked over at Autumn, smiling to myself as I watched her, Jenna, and Hannah huddle together to take pictures in front of some yard decorations. Autumn looked like she was glowing, and better yet, she looked like she fit in here. I knew it was tricky to feel because this was technically a temporary situation, but I liked that she felt comfortable here with my family. I couldn’t imagine tearing her away.

“She’s amazing,” I said. It was hard to describe Autumn through my eyes. She was so many shades of wonder.

“We actually thought you would be the one of us to not ever settle down. Or at least not for ten or fifteen more years,” Aiden admitted.

I nodded. Honestly, if I hadn’t come across Autumn again, they probably would’ve been right. I had no plans to settle down or to join my life with someone. Nothing between me and Autumn was official yet, but I wouldn’t mind doing those things with her.

“She took me by surprise,” I replied.

“They always do,” Jared murmured, his eyes trailing Hannah.

Finally, all of the Everard brothers found the women of their dreams. I couldn’t imagine how over the moon my mom was. She desperately wanted us to find good women and start families of our own. I believed she wanted us to feel the same happiness that she and my dad felt together.

As the sun continued its descent, everyone got prepared for the tree lighting once it fell dark outside. I joined Autumn’s side, leaning over to kiss her on the temple.

“Had a good time with the girls?” I asked her.

Autumn smiled brightly and nodded.

“Yeah, they’re amazing. They pretty much welcomed me in like one of their own,” she said before blushing slightly. “I mean, I know I’m not exactly like them, but…”

I took her hand, twining our fingers together as I gave her a comforting smile. She didn’t have to explain anything or take back her words. It looked like she belonged with them, and a part of me believed that she belonged with me. A big part of me.

“I’m glad they welcomed you like family,” I told her. “You look like you fit right in.”

Autumn’s shoulders lightened themselves as a relieved look filled her face.

“I really do like your family,” she said as she leaned her head against my shoulder. “I can see where you get your kindness from.”

I leaned my head against the top of hers, closing my eyes for a moment and enjoying the moment. This Christmas certainly felt more special than any other. I didn’t expect to come here and start catching feelings because of a fake relationship, but there were some things that I couldn’t control. Perhaps, this was meant to be.